23.2.2008 | 07:45
Fallegur morgun = mikil pressa en vid aetlum ad standa okkur.
Godan daginn.
Vid erum a leid i pittinn og leggjum af stad um niuleytid inn a fyrstu leid sem er su sama og vid endudum uti i skurdi i a sidasta ari.
Annars erum vid hissa a ovaentum arangri i gaer og aetlum okkur ad halda godum hrada i dag = en ekki er nu von a ad vid holdum topp 3. Stefnan er kannski topp 6 i evo.
Takk fyrir alla hvatninguna = vid erum fullir stolts.
Danni & Isak
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 07:52 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (18)
22.2.2008 | 20:59
Leiđ 1 og 2 innanbćjar í Bournemouth
Danni og Ísak hafa klárađ báđar innanbćjarleiđarnar og eru mjög ánćgđir. Bíllinn er heill og ţeir eru heilir. Danni taldi sig hafa fariđ óţarflega hćgt í fyrri ferđinni en er ánćgđari međ seinni ferđina.
Eftir kvöldiđ eru ţeir í 11. sćti yfir heildina og 3. sćti í Evo-challenge.
Ţeir senda bestu kveđjur til Íslands
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 23:35 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (13)
22.2.2008 | 18:00
Innanbćjarleiđir í kvöld
Góđa kvöldiđ
Nú fer ađ hefjast Sunseeker ralliđ. Bíllinn er orđinn mjög flottur (međ bleikar doppur), hér eru nokkrar myndir sem ég fékk sendar í sms. Kveđja, Gerđa
Bloggar | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (7)
21.2.2008 | 14:27
Undirbuningur a lokastigi = allt til reidu!
Godan daginn.
Sma frettaskot til lesenda um hvad hefur a daga okkar drifid her i undirbuningi fyrir rallid sem hefst a morgun.
Vid forum i gaer ut i skog med Phil Marks og breyttum uppsetningum a bilnum fyrir vel og drif = bilnum var ekid um 50km i tilraunum og kom billlinn nokkud vel ut. Mer vitrari menn satu i bilnum og var s.s alveg ljost a domum theirra a akstri minum ad eg er ekkert heimsmeistaraefni. Tho var ekki allt neikvaett en alveg ljost ad mikill skoli er fyrir hondum ad na fullu valdi a thessum bil.
Ymislegt losnadi og thurfti ad beturumbaeta eftir thennan mikla akstur og erum vid bunir ad vera sveittir i allan dag ad graeja og gera klart. Thar af leidandi hefur enginn timi gefist i leidarnotur en vid vonumst til ad na nokkrum klukkustundum i thaer i kvold.
A morgun eigum vid ad maeta i keppnisskodun klukkan tolf og svo er hopmyndataka klukkan thrju en rallid sjalft hefst um sexleytid med malbiksleidunum.
Thad verdur spennandi ad keyra a 18" dekkjum a malbikinu - stenfan er ad vera ekki nedar en 20 yfir heildina eftir fostudaginn = amk vaeri eg meira en sattur vid thad enda malbik ekki minn tebolli sem undirlag.
Eg set inn myndir a eftir ef thad gengur og jafnvel video af aefingum gaerdagsins.
Kvedja til allra,
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 18:36 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (5)
19.2.2008 | 02:05
Ég rćđ mér vart af kćti! 19.2.2008 verđur vonandi minnst í sögubókunum.
Til ađ byrja međ langar mig ađ óska Kristjáni Einari, fjölskyldu hans ásamt öllum ţeim sem svo ötullega hafa ýtt vagninum alla ţessa leiđ!! Til hamingju hundrađfalt.
Ţetta er sennilega mesta afrek Íslendings fyrr og síđar í akstursíţróttum - svo stórt dćmi ađ ógerlegt er fyrir flesta ađ skilja. Á ţennan stađ kemst enginn nema ađ hafa fullkominn bakgrunn og ţá er veriđ meina í hćfni, ungan aldur, líkamlegan styrk, óbilandi trú og vilja ađstandenda.
Kristján hefur allt ţetta og meira til - ţó hann ţyki "gamall" ţá er ljóst ađ hćfileikarnir eru gríđarlegir. Ţessi drengur er svo ég leyfi mér ađ nota frasa félaga okkar: "međ bensín í blóđinu" enda hefur hann frá ţví ég man eftir minni fyrstu ađkomu ađ mótorsporti á Íslandi veriđ nálćgur. Steingrímur Ingason rallkappi ásamt afa Kristjáns tóku púkann međ sér á allt mótortengt frá barnsaldri og lá alveg ljóst fyrir hvađa leiđ ţeir ćtluđu sér: Ađ ala af sér ţann ökumann Íslands sem nćr lengst allra frá upphafi. Ţetta er ađ takast og ţví fagna ég ógurlega.
Ég vildi óska ađ ég gćti lagt eitthvađ á vogarskálarnar međ Kristjáni og co... Heyrđu jú, ég get ţađ! Kristján, ţér er bođiđ skuldbindingalaust ásamt ţínum velunnurum í ađstođarökumannssćtiđ hjá mér - ţú keyrir ţá varla í eins sćtis bíl ţannig ađ mig langar ađ hrćđa úr ykkur líftóruna viđ hentugleika. Svona getur ţú endurgoldiđ bakhjörlum ţínum ómetanlega hjálpina viđ ađ ná ţessum áfanga og ég sýnt samhug minn og gleđi í verki :) Leigjum sérleiđ í UK eđa heima, grillum og keyrum hratt - ţeir gleyma ţví seint ;)
Ef draumar mínir rćtast mun Róbert Wessmann hafa haft rangt fyrir sér ţegar hann kvađst ekki líta á stuđning Salt Investments viđ Kristján sem fjárfestingu - ţví í draumum mínum hefur Kristján raunhćfa möguleika á ađ skila verulegum arđi ef markmiđ hans nást.
Til hamingju aftur Kristján - ţetta verđur seint leikiđ eftir!
Kristján Einar ráđinn til bresks formúluliđs | |
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt |
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 02:15 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
19.2.2008 | 00:43
Keppnir og markmiđ.
Eins og fram hefur komiđ er stefnt ađ ţví ađ keppa allar sjö keppnir ársins sem gilda til stiga í Evo-challenge og er keppnisdagataliđ hér ađ neđan. Einnig er stefnt ađ ţví ađ keyra nokkar ćfingakeppnir milli ađalkeppnanna til öđlast ţannig enn meiri reynslu og samkeppnishćfni. Markmiđ okkar eru skýr viđ ćtlum okkur í topp fimm ađ minnsta kosti klára allar keppnir og vera landi og ţjóđ til sóma.
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX Gengi N rallý bíll |
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Tćknilegar upplýsingar
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Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 00:48 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Sćlir félagar. Viđ erum á leiđinni út á ţriđjudagsmorgun og hefjum undirbúning fyrir keppnina sem verđur um nćstu helgi. Leiđarnótur og DVD af leiđunum bíđa okkar hjá Quick motorsport í Hereford og fáum viđ nokkrar klukkustundir til ađ setjast yfir leiđarnar um kvöldiđ.
Meira í vikunni.
Kveđja / DS
Bloggar | Breytt 20.2.2008 kl. 19:31 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (9)
17.2.2008 | 15:28
The eighth consecutive season of the Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge gets underway next weekend with its now traditional season-opener, the Bournemouth-based Rallye Sunseeker, which takes place on 22nd & 23rd February.
So far, 15 crews have signed-up for the popular one-make series for Group N Lancer Evolutions and, with a driver line-up comprising top names from the UK, Ireland and overseas, theres no doubt that the Evolution Challenge will continue to live up to its reputation of being a highly-competitive and fiercely-fought championship.
Top Mitsubishi seed is last years Evo Challenge runner-up Seb Ling, who is out for nothing less than victory this time round. He is followed by the talented young Scot David Bogie, who also impressed in 2007.
Others returning to the series are last years third-placed Nik Elsmore, reigning Icelandic Rally Champion Daniel Sigurdarson, last years Evolution Cup winner Miles Johnston, Evo Challenge winner on the Isle of Man Neil McCance, plus two Evo drivers who get quicker each time out, Tom Naughton and Jonathan Sparks.
As in previous years, the Evolution Challenge has attracted a crop of up-and-coming Irish drivers - and this year is no exception: Daniel Barry, who finished in fifth place last year rejoins for a full assault, as does series regular Connor McCloskey who also makes a welcome return.
Theres some fresh faces too, including Billy Coleman award winner Keith Cronin, 2007 Fiesta ST Champion Jonny Greer and the extremely rapid Richard Cathcart, all three young Irishmen set to make a name for themselves in the Mitsubishi series.
Also new to the Evo Challenge are Welshman David Meredith and the hotly-tipped Simon Harraway, both of them drivers to watch this season.
PIAA are once again supporting the award for junior drivers, five falling into the category for under 25-year olds this season.
We are delighted with the quality of the Evolution Challenge entries this year, said Championship Coordinator Simon Slade. Once again, it is going to be difficult to predict a winner, so this season is going to see another closely-fought championship which is just the way we like it!
With an overall entry of 90 cars, the Evolution Challenge represents 16% of the Rallye Sunseeker field and it is anticipated that more registrations will be received before the start of the event.
The Rallye Sunseeker gets underway from Bournemouth town centre on Friday evening, with two spectacular stages through the botanical gardens and along the esplanade. The road surface switches to gravel for Saturdays 11 stages, all of which take place in Ringwood and Wareham forests and, following a total of 62 competitive miles, the event returns to Bournemouth for the finish at 6.00pm.
The 2008 Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge is backed by Mitsubishi Motors UK and Ralliart, with support from its associate sponsors: Pirelli tyres, PIAA lights, Speedline Corse wheels, Sparco racewear, Performance Friction Brakes, Sunoco Race Fuels, ADR Motorsport and Walkinshaw Performance.
Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge entries (in number order)
11 Sebastian Ling (Llandysul)/Aled Rees (Crymych)
12 David Bogie (Dumfries)/Kevin Rae (Hawick) (J)
14 Keith Cronin (Bantry)/Anthony OConaill (Ballymakeera) (J)
15 Nik Elsmore (Coleford)/Paul Wakeley (Llanelli)
20 Neil McCance (Coomber)/Graham Hopewell (Worcester)
21 Jonathan Greer (Carryduff)/Jonny Hart (Moneyrea) (J)
22 Daniel Barry (Enniskerry)/Mark Bowens (Cork) (J)
23 Richard Cathcart (Enniskillen)/Martin Brady (Navan)
31 Connor McCloskey (Kilrea)/Damian Connelly (Monaghan) (J)
32 Daniel Siguardarson (Iceland)/Isak Gudjonsson (Iceland)
33 Miles Johnston (York)/Ian Bevan (Holywell)
34 David Meredith (Dolgellau)/Dai Roberts (Carmarthen)
43 Thomas Naughton (Bury)/Horace Saville (Bury)
44 Jonathan Sparks (Glastonbury)/Chris Davies (Abergavenny)
45 Simon Harraway (Weston-super-Mare)/Craig Drew (Bream)
For media enquiries and copyright free images please contact the
Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge Series Coordinator & Press Officer, Simon Slade:
Tel: 01935 424873 | Mob: 07966 153555 | E.mail: simon@rpmpromo.com
For all other enquiries, please contact:
Mitsubishi Ralliart: Paul Brigden
Tel: 01285 647680 | E.mail: p.brigden@mitsubishi-cars.co.uk
Mitsubishi Motors UK Press Office:
Tel: 01285 647157 | E.mail: a.wertheim@mitsubishi-cars.co.uk
For the latest Evolution Challenge news, visit: www.evo-challenge.com
Bloggar | Breytt 18.2.2008 kl. 13:37 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
16.2.2008 | 17:20
Gluggatjöldin Íslensku :)
Saturday 16th February 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Round 1 Rallye Sunseeker, Bournemouth Friday 22/Saturday 23 February 2008
BLAST OFF IN BOURNEMOUTH!The eagerly anticipated battle for the 2008 Pirelli MSA Gravel Rally Championship gets underway next weekend when crews from all over the UK converge on the seaside resort of Bournemouth for the annual ANCRO season opener as the 23rd annual Rallye Sunseeker bursts into life.
Five-times winner and very much the local hero, Marcus Dodd from nearby Poole and co-driver Andrew Bargery from just down the coast at Hove, are looking to defend their title once again in their FliteWise sponsored Hyundai Accent WRC and whilst the pair will start the Southern Car Club and Croydon & DMC organised event as favourites, there is the usual class entry following Dodd away from the start in Bournemouth on Friday evening.
Heading the challenge will be recent Wyedean Forest Rally winner Andy Burton in his Peugeot Cosworth whilst a trio of Subaru Impreza World Rally Cars, each in very capable hands, complete the top five. Jon Ingram, Julian Reynolds and Isle of Wight driver Will Nicholls can be regarded as potential event and Championship winners, and their respective campaigns for these coveted positions start now.
John Lloyd is at the wheel of the first of three Ford Focus WRCs in the entry, whilst a very strong Irish presence is led by Sean Devine (Subaru Impreza WRC) and Stephen Moore (Ford Focus WRC) and despite regular ANCRO stalwarts such as Steve Perez, Paul Bird and Roger Duckworth missing for various reasons this year, the battle will be just as intense.
Once again, the Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge kicks off in Bournemouth with a host of drivers intent on emulating Phillip Morrows 2007 success. Welshman Sebastian Ling, Scot David Bogie, Englander Nik Elsmore and Irishman Keith Cronin lead the field as all the contenders set out on the long road which does not reach its conclusion until the end of October.
Other drivers who could make a splash on the two day event include Stephen Petch who takes to the wheel of dad Steves Hyundai Accent WRC, whereas Charlie Payne is set to contest the series in a Mitsubishi WRC. Fellow Northerners Tony Thompson (Mitsubishi) and Miles Johnston (Mitsubishi) will also be looking for a good result, as will veteran Warren Philliskirk who ventures south in his MG Metro 6R4, as does Stuart Larbey, to take part in the festivities that aim to celebrate the iconic marque on Rallye Sunseeker.
In the supporting Subaru Group N Trophy, rapid youngster Tristan Pye will head the challenge although he can expect stiff competition from Roger Chilman and Alistair Thorburn.
Throw in 70 years young veteran Harry Dodd (Hyundai Accent WRC), Ulster starlet Jonathan Greer (Mitsubishi) and Icelander Daniel Sigurdsson in a similar car and the scene is set for a typically exciting curtain raiser to the National rally scene.
For further details, please contact the Rallye Sunseeker Press Officer:
Andrew Haill Tel: 0121-313 1416 or E-mail: andrew.haill@btconnect.com
More details, including entry lists, spectator information and maps etc on the event can be found at www.rallyesunseeker.co.uk and information on the Pirelli MSA National Gravel Rally Championship is listed at www.gravelrally.co.uk.
Picture attached (courtesy of www.cmwi.net) - Five-time Rallye Sunseeker winner Marcus Dodd and co driver Andrew Bargery on their way to winning the 2007 event in their Hyundai Accent WRC.
Bloggar | Breytt 17.2.2008 kl. 01:28 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
14.2.2008 | 20:38
Keppnisdagatal 2008
Góđa kvöldiđ.
Hér er hlekkir á keppnisdagatal fyrir áriđ 2008 fyrir bresku meistarakeppnina, Íslandsmótiđ og heimsmeistarakeppnina í rallý.
Kveđja / Flóđhestarnir
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 21:06 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)