Dramatíkin í Íslensku ralli 2007

Myndataka og klipping: Birgir Þór Bragason.

Brosið er lykill að árangri :)

Góða kvöldið.


Ég var búinn að gleyma rót þess hvers vegna ég er að keppa í minni íþrótt. Í því undangegnu mótlæti leyfði maður keppnisskapi, gremju og einbeitingu að taka af sér gleðina sem er rótin.


Mig langaði bara að deila þvi með lesendum að ég ætla að enda upp í tré um næstu helgi, skælbrosandi:)  -- já eða á verðlaunapalli.

Silverstone 2005 025

Þetta er aðallega svona þakkarkvitt til ykkar sem aldrei gefist upp á okkur og styðjið til enda. Þakklæti mitt til ykkar er ósnortið!


Fréttatilkynning - Evo challenge. 2. umferð í bresku meistarakeppninni.

Mitsubishi teams prepare for battle on the Borders
Bullet Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge Round Two

Bullet Brick & Steel Border Counties Rally – 5th April 2008

Bullet Promise of fierce competition following round one performances

Bullet 14 Evo crews entered for Kielder Forest challenge

Bullet Bogie aims for second win
Bullet Preview image
Bullet High resolution image
Red dotted line
28th March 2008
spacer image

Round two of the 2008 Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge, the Brick and Steel Border Counties Rally on 5th April, has all the hallmarks of being a fiercely fought affair.

With all 14 of the registered Evo Challenge crews taking part, the rally will see a re-match following the closely contested round one, when the top six cars crossed the finish line with less than 30 seconds between them! And, if its anything like last year’s Border Counties Rally, when the top three Evo Challenge runners were separated by less than a second, then this weekend is likely to see an epic battle emerge.

Winner of the opening round and the driver most local to this event David Bogie is the top Evo Challenge seed on this occasion, his recent form standing him in good stead for another top performance. He is followed by Irishman Daniel Barry, who is getting quicker each time out and is another driver determined to prove his pace this season.

Third in line is Richard Cathcart from Northern Ireland, who had an impressive run in round one, winning more stages than any other driver – some of which he drove with only three brakes!

Next up is last year’s runner-up, Welshman Sebastian Ling, who is hoping to feel more comfortable on the longer and more flowing stages of Kielder than he did in the more compact Forests of Hampshire and Dorset a few weeks ago.

Other potential podium finishers are Nik Elsmore from Gloucestershire and Ulsterman Neil McCance, both former winners of Evo Challenge rounds in the past.

Also in the frame are Icelandic Rally Champion Daniel Sigurdarson, Billy Coleman Award winner Keith Cronin – who has recruited ex-works Mitsubishi co-driver Greg Shinnors for the remainder of the season – 2007 Fiesta ST Champion Jonny Greer, series rookie Simon Harraway and Evo Cup Champion Miles Johnston.

Evo Challenge regular Jon Sparks is next to take the start, ahead of Tom Naughton and David Meredith, who are running further down the field than normal due to a high number of overall entries.

As well as the second round of the Evolution Challenge, the Border Counties Rally also hosts the second round of the Pirelli MSA Gravel Rally Championship and the County Saab MSA Scottish Rally Championship. The combination of these three major championships sees the event boast an entry of 140 cars, 39 of which will be competing in the National A category, the Evolution Challenge representing 36% of this higher-status field.

The rally starts from Jedburgh at 8.30 on Saturday morning and features seven timed special stages in Kielder Forest and, following 60 miles of competition, cars return to Jedburgh at 5.45 pm for the finish.

The 2008 Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge is backed by Mitsubishi Motors UK and Ralliart, with support from its associate sponsors: Pirelli tyres, Speedline Corse wheels, Sparco racewear, Performance Friction Brakes, Sunoco Race Fuels, ADR Motorsport, Walkinshaw Performance and PIAA lights, who sponsor the junior award for under 25 year old drivers.
Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge entries (in number order)
11 David Bogie (Dumfries)/Kevin Rae (Hawick)  (J)
12 Daniel Barry (Enniskerry)/Mark Bowens (Cork)  (J)
14 Richard Cathcart (Enniskillen)/Martin Brady (Navan)
15 Sebastian Ling (Llandysul)/Aled Rees (Crymych)                       
16 Nik Elsmore (Coleford)/Paul Wakeley (Llanelli)
17 Neil McCance (Comber)/Sean Ferris (Drumquin)
32 Daniel Siguardarson (Iceland)/Isak Gudjonsson (Iceland)
33 Keith Cronin (Bantry)/Greg Shinnors (Limerick) (J)
34 Jonathan Greer (Carryduff)/Jonny Hart (Moneyrea) (J)
41 Simon Harraway (Weston-super-Mare)/Craig Drew (Bream)
43 Miles Johnston (York)/Ian Bevan (Holywell)
44 Jonathan Sparks (Glastonbury)/Chris Davies (Abergavenny)
70 Thomas Naughton (Bury)/Horace Saville (Bury) 
71 David Meredith (Dolgellau)/Dai Roberts (Carmarthen)

(J) = Junior driver

Championship Positions after round one
Pos.     Name         Points

1 David Bogie 12
2 Daniel Barry 10
3 Seb Ling 8
4 Nik Elsmore 7
5 Richard Cathcart 6
6 Neil McCance 5
7 Keith Cronin 4
8 Miles Johnston 3
9 Jonathan Sparks 2

1 Kevin Rae 12
2 Mark Bowens 10
3 Aled Rees 8
4 Paul Wakely 7
5 Martin Brady 6
6 Graham Hopewell 5
7 Anthony O’Connail 4
8 Ian Bevan 3
9 Chris Davies 2


For media enquiries and copyright free images please contact the
Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge Series Coordinator & Press Officer, Simon Slade:
Tel: 01935 424873 | Mob: 07966 153555 | E.mail: simon@rpmpromo.com

For all other enquiries, please contact:
Mitsubishi Ralliart: Paul Brigden
Tel: 01285 647680 | E.mail: p.brigden@mitsubishi-cars.co.uk

Mitsubishi Motors UK Press Office:
Tel: 01285 647157 | E.mail: a.wertheim@mitsubishi-cars.co.uk

For the latest Evolution Challenge news, visit: www.evo-challenge.com


15 dagar í Bordercountiesrally 2008 - 2.umferðin í Bresku Evo-challenge meistarakeppninni

Kæru lesendur.


Nú styttist óðum í næstu umferðina í mótaröðinni okkar og er undirbúningur á fullu. Eins og sást í fyrstu umferðinni þá er samkeppnin gríðarlega hörð og voru til dæmis 7 mismunandi áhafnir sem áttu hraðasta tíma um sérleiðirnar 13 í Sunseeker.


Border rallið er allt öðruvísi - Bretar segja að þetta rall skilji mennina frá drengjunum því leiðirnar séu geysilega krefjandi og þröngar. Við kepptum í þessu ralli fyrir ári síðan og kunnum ágætlega við leiðirnar en þeim svipar svolítið til Íslenskra sérleiða, mjög hraðar og þröngar með töluverðu veggripi ef það verður þurrt. 


Lengi vel leit út fyrir að Íslendingar myndu eiga tvær áhafnir í þessari keppni en þeir félagar Jón og Borgar ætluðu að fara með nýja bílinn sinn út og keppa í þessari keppni til að öðlast reynslu og undirbúa sig fyrir komandi Íslandsmót - en því miður gekk það ekki eftir.

Allt á hvolfi Æfing 2 

Segja má að við séum búnir að undirbúa þetta rall stanslaust síðan í febrúar og ætti form okkar að vera með besta móti í þessari keppni - enda stefnum við á sigur og ekkert annað. Keppnisbíll okkar er reyndar enþá á gjörgæslu eftir dularfulla bilun í síðustu keppni. Því miður þá var ekkert annað í stöðunni en að kaupa nýjan gírkassa með öllu - ansi stór biti það - en standa vonir til að drifrásin haldi út keppnistímabilið.

Nokkur hópur fólks ætlar að koma til skotlands á fylgjast með keppninni bæði af áhuga sem og fyrir ritmiðla og sjónvarp. Er því von um nokkuð gott upplýsingaflæði meðan á keppninni stendur bæði hér á síðunni sem og á mbl.is

Að lokum er rétt að óska lesendum gleðilegra páska og þakka fyrir áhugann og stuðningin.


Já - sæll,, Mikil snilld!!!

Góða kvöldið.

Alveg hraustleg ástæða til að óska mosfellsbæ og hjólafólki til hamingju með þetta! Verður vonandi öðrum bæjarfélögum ástæða til eftirbreytni í viðmóti á/til akstursíþrótta almennt.


Kveðja / DS

mbl.is Motocrossbraut samþykkt í Mosfellsbæ
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

Myndbönd innan úr bílnum og ljósmyndir.

Góðan daginn.

Við vorum að bæta í myndaalbúmið frá Sunseeker 2008 rallinu einhverju af myndum. Einnig er búið að setja inn nokkur fyndin myndbrot innan úr bílnum í þessu ralli en má þó geta þess að orðanotkun áhafnameðlima er á tíðum ekki við hæfi barna :)

 Vonum samt að þið njótið vel.



Sunseeker rallý - eitthvað af netmyndum handa okkur fíklunum :)

Góða kvöldið.

Hér eru linkar á myndir sem áhugasamir hafa sent mér eftir rallið um síðustu helgi.









Svo má geta þess að gríðarlega mikill áhugi virðist á því að koma út til Skotlands á næstu keppni sem haldin verður 5.4.2008 - Það væri gaman að sjá Íslenska fánann úti í Kielder skógi og hafa landa sína með til að fagna ef lukkan snýst okkur í vil :)  Við amk ætlum að keyra til sigurs!


Kveðja / Flóðhestarnir



Lýsi eftir lukkudísunum!

Góðan daginn.

Þá erum við komnir heim á klakann eftir skinin og skúrina um helgina. Lesendum þarf sennilega ekkert að bregða við þegar minnst er á gremjuna yfir óláni helgarinnar - grátlegt vægast sagt.

Í sem styðstu máli þá er þetta eins og stöngin hjá Völu Flosa hefði brotnað í úrslitastökki í alþjóðakeppni - enginn annar séns, engin grið. En svona er þessi íþrótt - einmitt það sem gerir hana að einni þeirri erfiðustu sem kostur er að taka þátt í. Allt þarf að ganga upp, bíll, áhöfn, heppni, hæfni, agi, skynsemi og svo framvegis. Allir pólar þurfa að ganga upp og vinna saman til að árangur náist.

Turbo dynamics

En ljósi punkturinn er samt til staðar - ekkert er svo slæmt að ekki sé ekki eitthvað jákvætt við hann.

Við erum á hröðum bíl - það er ljóst. Við getum unnið á alþjóðagrundvelli, ekki annað eða þriðja sætið nei, Unnið. Við höfum getuna, metnaðinn og grimmdina til þess - einnig höfum við mikla þörf til að sanna það til að ná að klára fjármögnun á tímabilinu. Stefnan er sett á sigur í Border counties rallinu - ekkert minna sem lagt verður upp með! Hvort það takist verður svo bara að koma í ljós en okkur er lofað mikið betri rásstað en nú um helgina og ætti það eitt og sér að vera mikill munur.

Tækniæfingar vetursins ásamt þolþjálfunum eru augljóslega að skila sér með öruggari akstri og hraðari. Það er ekki rispa á bilnum eftir keppnina um helgina og er það sennilega í fyrsta sinn sem það nægir að bóna til að gera yfirbygginguna klára fyrir næstu keppni.

Við munum ekki fara neitt nema hraðar í framtíðinni á þessum bíl - það er enþá svo mikið að læra á hann, getu hans og slíkt. Nú þegar er búið að setja upp æfingaráætlun á bílnum fyrir næsta mánuð sem ykkur verður kynnt hér á vefnum.

Vonandi standið þið Íslendingar áfram svona dyggilega við bakið á okkur og hjálpið okkur í gegnum hremmingarnar. Við munum sigra að lokum!

Kveðja / Danni

Bogie scores maiden Mitsubishi victory - Fréttabréf EVO challenge

Press Information

Bogie scores maiden Mitsubishi victory
Bullet Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge Round One

Bullet Rallye Sunseeker –22nd &23rd February 2008

Bullet First round victory for David Bogie

Bullet Daniel Barry takes second as Seb Ling snatches third on penultimate stage

Bullet Epic battle sees less than 30 seconds covering first six Mitsubishis


Bullet Seven drivers set fastest stage times

Bullet Preview image
Bullet High resolution image
Red dotted line
25th February 2008
spacer image

Following a faultless performance David Bogie and co-driver Kevin Rae won the opening round of the 2008 Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge on this weekend’s Bournemouth-based Rallye Sunseeker, recording their first ever victory in the highly competitive one-make rally championship for Group N (production specification) Lancer Evolutions.

Behind them, a battle raged for second place - no less than 9 of the 14 Evolution Challenge crews swapping times throughout the event - with Daniel Barry/Mark Bowens the eventual runners-up, just nine seconds behind the winners and only five seconds ahead of third-placed Seb Ling/Aled Rees.

In fact, such is the level of performance in this year’s Evolution Challenge, seven different drivers set fastest times out of the event’s 13 special stages and less than 30 seconds separated the first six cars after 62 miles of competition.

The event began on Friday evening with two runs of its now traditional 1.6-mile tarmac stage, which runs through Bournemouth’s botanical gardens and along the sea front towards Boscombe, in front of 1000s of spectators, Nik Elsmore caught the whole 90-car field napping on the opening stage by not only taking the fastest Evo Challenge time, but stopped the clock two seconds ahead of everyone else!

However, his overall lead was short-lived when he collected a puncture on the second run through the stage, dropping him to second in the Mitsubishi standings. Bogie posted an almost as impressive third overall time on the second run to lead the Evolution Challenge field before the overnight halt, with Elsmore just 0.5 second behind in second and Icelandic Rally Champion Daniel Sigurdarsson in third.

Not enjoying his first night on the prom was Evo Challenge newcomer Richard Cathcart, who’s car stalled on the start-line of the very first stage when he tried to use its launch control. Although getting going again, he had dropped 30 seconds to the Mitsubishi front-runners, giving him a tough task for the following day.

Saturday saw the road surface switch to gravel and a further 11 stages in the Ringwood and Wareham Forests. Determined to make up for lost time, Cathcart won the first two tests, but his charge was temporarily curtailed when a stone split a rear brake pipe, causing him a heart-stopping moment when he found he had no brakes! This left Bogie to record the fastest time through SS5 and Sigurdarsson to do likewise in SS6 - the popular spectator stage through the grounds of Somerley Park.

At the first service halt, the Evo Challenge leader board showed Bogie eight seconds ahead of Elsmore, with Neil McCance a further eight seconds behind in third. The top trio were followed by Ling, Simon Harraway, Daniel Barry and Sigurdarsson, all separated by just three seconds! A little further back was the young Irishman and another series newcomer Keith Cronin, who admitted to be over-driving his new Evo IX, a trait which was causing him to overshoot junctions and lose time,

First to leave the Mitsubishi pack in the initial loop of Saturday’s stages was Tom Naughton, when his car’s transmission brought him to a stand-sill at the end of SS3. Initially being slowed by a blown turbo pipe, a similar fate befell David Meredith, when his inaugural Evo Challenge outing came to a halt at the start of SS5.

Also suffering transmission troubles was another series debutant, Jonny Greer and, although his gearbox was changed in service, the job over-ran the allotted time, forcing him to retire from the event before the next stage.

Now running with only three operational brakes, Cathcart defied his handicap by setting fastest times on stages seven and eight. Barry, who now had the bit between his teeth, took the honours on SS9, but not to be outdone, Cathcart did it again on SS10.

Although a relatively short run of just under three miles over Bere Heath, stage 10 saw two of the Evo Challenge front-runners leave the fray: Sigurdarsson succumbed to a slipping clutch and had no choice but to retire, whilst Harraway exited in more spectacular style, when a wheel caught an inconspicuous hole on the inside of a fast right hander, launching his car off the road and into a watery marsh on the outside of the bend. A disappointing end to his first ever Evo Challenge event.

Although not entirely comfortable driving on the soft gravel stages, Ling recorded the fastest time in SS11, the second run through Somerley, following which the times at second service showed Bogie now 18 seconds ahead of Barry and Elsmore a further five seconds behind in third - after revealing he had made a brief excursion into a ditch on stage nine,

After borrowing a rear brake caliper from Greer’s side-lined car, Cathcart was back to a full compliment of stopping power following the service halt and he proceeded to set fastest times on final two stages of the day. His efforts were enough to see him finish fifth in the Evo Challenge standings and win the Sunoco Spirit and Walkinshaw Performance best Rookie awards,

Bogie, on the other hand, took a cautious approach to the final pair of stages, judging his pace to perfection to get back to the finish in Bournemouth town centre to record his maiden Evolution Challenge victory, claim an overall position of sixth, win Group N and scoop the PIAA Junior Award for under 25-year old drivers.

“I’m delighted to have won my very first Evo Challenge round”, said Bogie at the finish. “This has been a tough rally because of the quality of the competition, so I went flat out where I could and, having pulled-out a lead, I just backed off when I wasn’t too sure about the conditions. This result is a great way to start my Evo Challenge campaign!”

Barry was more than pleased to finish second, whilst a final push by Ling saw him overhaul Elsmore by just 1.4 seconds.  With Cathcart fifth, it was McCance who claimed sixth place in his brand new Evo IX, although admitting that a loss of pace mid-way through the afternoon had spoilt his possibility of a podium finish.

Having proved that when it all went well he was on the pace of the leading group, Cronin was relieved to get to the finish in seventh after a character-building day. Miles Johnston had spent the rally acclimatising to his newly acquired Evo VIII to finish eighth, with Jonathan Sparks embarking on his third year in the Mitsubishi series and finishing ninth - both drivers satisfied with their day’s work.

Evolution Challenge teams now prepare for round two, the Border Counties Rally, which takes place in the infamous Kielder Forest on 5th April.

The 2008 Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge is backed by Mitsubishi Motors UK and Ralliart, with support from its associate sponsors: Pirelli tyres, PIAA lights, Speedline Corse wheels, Sparco racewear, Performance Friction Brakes, Sunoco Race Fuels, ADR Motorsport and Walkinshaw Performance.

Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge – Round 1 Results
1 David Bogie (Dumfries)/Kevin Rae (Hawick) 1:01:21.3
2 Daniel Barry (Enniskerry)/Mark Bowens (Cork) 1:01:30.3
3 Sebastian Ling (Llandysul)/Aled Rees (Crymych) 1:01:35.3
4 Nik Elsmore (Coleford)/Paul Wakeley (Llanelli) 1:01:36.7
5 Richard Cathcart (Enniskillen)/Martin Brady (Navan) 1:01:43.7
6 Neil McCance (Coomber)/Graham Hopewell (Worcester) 1:01:49.9
7 Keith Cronin (Bantry)/Anthony O’Conaill (Ballymakeera) 1:03:54.0
8 Miles Johnston (York)/Ian Bevan (Holywell) 1:04:16.6
9 Jonathan Sparks (Glastonbury)/Chris Davies (Abergavenny) 1:08:23.1

SS3 Thomas Naughton (Bury)/Horace Saville (Bury) Transmission
SS5 David Meredith (Dolgellau)/Dai Roberts (Carmarthen) Transmission
SS7 Jonathan Greer (Carryduff)/Jonny Hart (Moneyrea) Transmission
SS10 Simon Harraway (Weston-super-Mare)/Craig Drew (Bream) Off road         
SS10 Daniel Siguardarson (Iceland)/Isak Gudjonsson (Iceland) Clutch

Championship Positions
1 David Bogie 12
2 Daniel Barry 10
3 Seb Ling 8
4 Nik Elsmore 7
5 Richard Cathcart 6
6 Neil McCance 5
7 Keith Cronin 4
8 Miles Johnston 3
9 Jonathan Sparks 2

1 Kevin Rae 12
2 Mark Bowens 10
3 Aled Rees 8
4 Paul Wakely 7
5 Martin Brady 6
6 Graham Hopewell 5
7 Anthony O’Connaill 4
8 Ian Bevan 3
9 Chris Davies 2

Photo caption
David Bogie and co-driver Kevin Rae scored their maiden Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge victory on this weekend's round one, the Bournemouth-based Rallye Sunseeker. The Scottish pair took the lead on stage two and held off a battling Mitsubishi field behind them to win by a margin of nine seconds (copyright free image).

For media enquiries and copyright free images please contact the
Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge Series Coordinator & Press Officer, Simon Slade:
Tel: 01935 424873 | Mob: 07966 153555 | E.mail: simon@rpmpromo.com

For all other enquiries, please contact:
Mitsubishi Ralliart: Paul Brigden
Tel: 01285 647680 | E.mail: p.brigden@mitsubishi-cars.co.uk

Mitsubishi Motors UK Press Office:
Tel: 01285 647157 | E.mail: a.wertheim@mitsubishi-cars.co.uk

For the latest Evolution Challenge news, visit: www.evo-challenge.com


Goda kvoldid kaeru lesendur.


Fyrst af ollu langar okkur ad thakka fyrir hinn gridarlega samhug og studning fra Islandi - mikid oskaplega erud thid best!!!!  Takk takk takk takk = vid erum fullir audmyktar og svekktir yfir ad hafa valdid ykkur og okkur vonbrigdum.


Ekkert sem i mannlegu valdi var gat komid i veg fyrir thessa bilun i dag  =  thad einfaldlega vantadi sma dash af heppni eda yfirnatturulegum oflum til ad halda okkur inni i  rallinu.

Vid keyrdum mjog yfirvegad og a thann hatt ad myndum klara rallid - enda thad mikil thorf til ad byggja upp sjalfstraust eftir brosott gengi a sidasta ari. En allt kom fyrir ekki = thratt fyrir ad hlifa bilnum eins og kostur var og keyra "safe" tha biladi samt og vid akvadadum ad haetta keppni eftir leid 9.

 Svekkelsid er mikid = reyndar svo mikid ad mer (danna) er grati naest.

Godu frettirnar eru thaer ad vid ISLENDINGAR getum unnid thessa kalla = i alvoru tha er ljost ad flodhestarnir hafa hrada og getu til ad vinna a althjodagrundvelli.

Thetta rall var til ad laera a bilinn, finna thann mikla hrada sem allir keppinautarnir hafa og slikt = en vid getum bara baett okkur fra thvi sem sast um helgina. Hvad thydir thad? Ad vid munum vinna, ekki spurning um hvort heldur hvenaer.. Hljomar hrokafullt kannski en thetta er toluleg stadreynd og thad er einlaegur vilji og aetlun okkar ad thad verdi ekki sidar en i naesta ralli thann 5.4.2008. i border rallinu i skotlandi.


Enn og aftur tha erum vid fullir audmyktar og thakklaetis fyrir studningin kaeru lesendur!

 Kaer kvedja fra Bournemouth


Danni & co

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