3. leiš

Danni og Įsta voru 10. sęti į leiš 3 og eru ķ 9. sęti yfir heildina.

Žau eru ķ 4. sęti ķ Evo-challenge keppninni og munar ašeins 4 sek aš žau nįi Nik Elsmore.

2. leiš

2. leiš gekk vel voru ķ 8. sęti og eru ķ 10. sęti yfir heildina, en voru föst fyrir aftan traktor į ferjuleiš žannig aš žau fį allavega 30 sek tķmavķti og eru komin nśna ķ service.

1. leiš

Į fyrstu leiš gekk vel til aš byrja meš en žau nįšu bķlnum į undan sem tafši žau mjög mikiš. Žannig aš tķminn veršur nś ekki nógu góšur en žau voru į 9:17 og 14. sęti yfir heildina.

En bķllinn er heill og žau eru glöš ķ yndislegu vešri.

Frķtt bensķn ķ allan dag

Góšan dag

Nś eru Danni og Įsta lögš į staš ķ góšu vešri en miklum kulda. Fengu rįsstaš nr. 15 sem er glęsilegt og žau eru mjög įnęgš meš žaš.

Flóšhestarnir okkar unnu SPIRIT AWARDS fyrir sķšasta rall og fį žvķ frķtt bensķn ķ allan dag. 

Žau eru hress og kįt, žrįtt fyrir teipaša putta og senda sķnar bestu kvešjur til Ķslands. 

Bulldog rally - Mikil pressa į systkynunum!


Nś styttist ķ sķšustu umferš bresku EVO-Challenge meistarakeppninnar žar sem Danni į Įsta munu vera mešal keppenda.


Žetta er fimmta keppnin žeirra ķ Bretlandi į įrinu og hefur įrangur žeirra veriš stķgandi frį upphafi. Nokkur pressa er žvķ fyrir žetta rall aš nį aš bęta enn įrangurinn og klįra algerlega įfallalaust. Vęntingar eru um aš klįra ķ topp 15 yfir heildina en ljóst er aš žaš markmiš er hįleitt en ekki frįleitt.


 Hęgt veršur aš fylgjast meš sérleišatķmum hér į vefnum į laugardaginn jafnframt sem von er į einhverjum fréttum og myndum af herlegheitunum fram yfir keppni.



Evo Challenge finale to produce a new winner - Fréttatilkynning RALLIART

Press Information

Evo Challenge finale to produce a new winner

Bullet Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge - Round Eight

Bullet Bulldog Rally - 20th October 2007

Bullet Ling aims for first Mitsubishi win

Bullet Elsmore and Petch battle it out for third

Arrow Preview Image
Arrow High Resolution Image
Red dotted line
15th October 2007 
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The eighth and final round of the Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge takes place next Saturday (20th October), the Oswestry-based Bulldog Rally destined to produce a new winner for this season.

Having scored a record six Evolution Challenge victories this year, Phillip Morrow was able to wrap-up the championship at the Rally Yorkshire earlier this month, with one round still to go. Fellow Ulsterman Neil McCance is the only other driver to win a round of the series in 2007, when he scooped Evo Challenge honours for the first time on the RBSI Manx Rally in May.

As is the usual trend entries tend to decline as the motorsport season progresses, especially when the championship has already been decided. However, organisers of the Mitsubishi series are pleased to report that 10 registered drivers will be entering next weekend, a figure that represents 18% of the overall national entry.

A secure second in the championship standings is the man that kept Morrow honest all season, Seb Ling. Although assured of the runners-up spot, Ling has decided to compete in order to try to put at least one Evo Challenge win on the board this year.

Currently third in the series is Nik Elsmore, but his podium position could well come under threat by Stephen Petch. Although having an indifferent season so far, the young County Durham driver has regularly managed to get into the points and, following this event, will claim the PIAA Junior Award for under 25 year-old drivers.

Having scored a career best when he was second of the Evos two weeks previously in Yorkshire, Daniel Barry is back to prove that his performance was no fluke and is fired-up for a flying finish his first full season in a Mitsubishi

Making a habit of coming to rally in the UK is Daniel Sigurdarson. Rapidly familiarising himself to British forests, the recently crowned Icelandic Rally Champion could well have scored his first ever Evo Challenge podium result in Yorkshire had a rear suspension arm not broken. Always spectacular, he will be another to watch this weekend.

After a good showing last time out in round seven, until both suffered transmission troubles, Thomas Naughton and Alan Carmichael are getting used their Evos and are hoping to end the season on a high note.

The Bulldog Rally starts in Oswestry at eight o’clock on Saturday morning and features six timed special stages in forests that were used regularly on the classic RAC Rallies: Dyfnant, Dyfi, Pantperthog and Gartheiniog. After servicing twice in Dolgellau and covering a total of 70 competitive miles, crews return to Oswestry for the finish at 4.30 pm.

With Morrow having sewn-up the Evolution Challenge title, Miles Johnston claiming the Evolution Cup and Petch the PIAA Junior Award, the championship’s Pirelli and Performance Fricton Brakes Cups are the awards still to be decided this weekend.

The Evolution Challenge offers drivers what is widely regarded as the best prize in British rallying – the chance to become a Mitsubishi works driver in the 2008 British Rally Championship.

The series is backed by Mitsubishi Motors UK Ralliart, with support from its associate sponsors: Pirelli, PIAA, Speedline Corse, Sparco, Performance Friction Brakes, Shell Helix and Tesco 99 Octane - suppliers of the controlled fuel for the championship.


Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge entries (not in starting order)
11 Nik Elsmore (Coleford)/TBC
12 Daniel Barry (Enniskerry)/Mark Bowens (Cork) (J)
15 Stephen Petch (Richmond)/Michael Wilkinson (Tow Law) (J)
17 Mark I’Anson (Hayden Bridge)/Graeme Walker (Henley) *
18 Errol Clark (Irvinestown)/Neil Ewing (Largs) (J)
19 Thomas Naughton (Bury)/Horace Saville (Bury) 
25 Jonathan Sparks (Glastonbury)/Bradley Magnus (Downham Market)
51 Sebastian Ling (Llandysul)/Aled Rees (Crymych)
TBC Daniel Sigurdarson (Iceland)/Asta Sigurdottir (Iceland)
TBC Alan Carmichael (Ballymena)/Ivor Lamont (Ballymena)

* = Evo Cup
(J) = Junior driver

Championship positions after round seven

1 Phillip Morrow 77
2 Seb Ling 53
3 Nik Elsmore 40
4 Julian Reynolds 39
5 Stephen Petch 36
6 Daniel Barry 27
7 Wayne Sisson 20
8 David Bogie 20
9 Neil McCance 15
10 Alan Carmichael 10

Evolution Cup

1 Miles Johnston 60
2 Wayne Radford 42
3 Mark I’Anson 18
4 Ferran Font 10


Photo Caption

The eighth and final round of the Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge takes place this weekend, the north-Wales-based Bulldog Rally providing series runner-up Seb Ling with a good chance of claiming his first victory of the season (copyright free image).


For media enquiries and copyright free images please contact the Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge Series Coordinator & Press Officer, Simon Slade:
Tel: 01935 424873 | Mob: 07966 153555 | E.mail: simon@rpmpromo.com

For all other enquiries, please contact:
Mitsubishi Ralliart: Paul Brigden
Tel: 01285 647680 | E.mail: p.brigden@mitsubishi-cars.co.uk

Mitsubishi Motors UK Press Office:
Tel: 01285 647200 | E.mail: n.reglar@mitsubishi-cars.co.uk

For the latest Evolution Challenge news, visit: www.evo-challenge.com



Vegna umsóknar okkar um žįttöku ķ Rally Wales 2007 uršum viš aš gera ferilsskrį ķ gengi N. Snaraši žessu yfir į föšurmįliš ķ gamni :)

Ökumašur DS hefur keppt ķ 15 keppnum į gengi N bķl - žar af 13 röllum og 2 sprettröllum.

Ašstošarökumašur ĮS hefur keppt ķ 13 keppnum į gengi N bķl - žar af 11 röllum og 2 sprettröllum.

Įriš 2006

Samtals keppt ķ einu sprettralli og fimm umferšum Ķslandsmótsins ķ rallż.

Vorsprettur 1 sęti - Vorrall 7 sęti - 3ja umferš 1 sęti - Skagafjaršarrall 1 sęti - Alžjóšarall 1 sęti og Haustrall BĶKR 1 sęti.

Įriš 2007

Samtals keppt ķ 4 röllum į Ķslandsmótinu įsamt sprettralli og 4 röll ķ Bretlandi.

Rallż Sunseeker (wales)(ašstošarökumašur Ķsak Gušjónsson) 31sęti yfir heildina - Border counties rallż (skotland)(ašstošarökumašur Ķsak Gušjónsson) Duttum śt meš bilaša vél žegar ein leiš var eftir 19sęti yfir heildina og 13 ķ gengi N - Vorsprettur 1 sęti - Vorrall 1 sęti - Severn Valley rallż (Wales) 16 sęti yfir heildina og 8 ķ EVO-challenge - 3ja umferš Ķslandsmótsins AIFS 1sęti - Skagafjaršarrall, duttum śt meš bilašan millikassa - Alžjóšarall 1 sęti - Trakrod rallż (Yorkshire) 15 sęti yfir heildina og 6 ķ EVO-challenge.


Vošalega žótti mér žetta lķtiš žegar ég skrifaši žetta į blaš - vona aš einhver hafi gagn af :)


Bulldog rallż - vika til stefnu.

Góšan daginn.


Žaš er vika ķ sķšustu umferšina ķ EVO-Challenge meistarakeppnina og munu systkynin taka žįtt į sķnum gamla bķl. Žetta rall er mjög stórt og eru heildaržįttakendur nęrri 200. Um 60bķlar eru ķ A-hóp meš systkynunum - eša nokkru fleirri en ķ sķšastu keppni.


Žįtttaka Ķslendinga ķ žessari keppni er žekkt - en bręšurnir Rśnar og Baldur Jónssynir óku hana nś sķšast rétt eftir aldamótin. Ķ žeirri keppni sżndu žeir eftirtektarveršan hraša į Sśbaru Impreza bifreiš sinni - en umferšarslys į ferjuleiš endaši žįttöku žeirra ķ keppninni.


Systkynin ętla aš višhalda herfręši sinni og reyna aš fį eins mikla reynslu af leišunum og safna myndefni meš žvķ aš keyra į žéttan og öruggan hįtt og freista žess aš klįra ralliš. Mikil įnęgja var meš žęr tilraunir sem reyndar voru ķ sķšustu keppni og veršur įfram haldiš įfram aš fķnpśssa fjöšrun, dekkjaval, og taktķk ķ rallinu nś.


 Heimasķša rallsins er: http://bulldog-rally.co.uk/


Fréttir munu koma hingaš į sķšuna ķ vikunni og fréttir uppfęršar strax į mešan keppninni stendur.



Danķel taking care of his car :)

Daniel Tackrod

Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge - Round 7 Report

Press Information

Morrow is Mitsubishi Champion
Phillip Morrow became the 2007 Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge champion this weekend, when he scored his sixth victory of the season on the Rally Yorkshire. He celebrated the win with co-driver Daniel Barritt (copyright free image).

Bullet Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge - Round Seven

Bullet Rally Yorkshire 2007 – 6th October 2007

Bullet Phillip Morrow takes sixth win of the season and secures 2007 Evo Challenge title

Bullet Broken driveshaft and punctures thwart Seb Ling’s challenge

Bullet Daniel Barry and Stephen Petch take remaining podium places

Bullet Miles Johnston clinches Evolution Cup

Arrow Preview Image
Red dotted line
8th October 2007 
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It was the perfect result for Phillip Morrow in Saturday’s Rally Yorkshire, when he scored his sixth Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge victory of the season and in doing so, became the 2007 Champion with one round still to go.

Based in Pickering, the event featured 11 special stages covering a total of 100 competitive miles, most of which was within the forests of the North Yorkshire Moors. Not only a round of the Evo Challenge, the event was also round of the Tesco 99 Octane MSA British Rally Championship, which saw an overall entry of 40 crews, 11 being registered Mitsubishi competitors - five of which finished in the top ten overall!

Morrow went to the event sporting a significant 18-point lead, which meant that he needed to score at least six points by finishing fifth or higher to secure the title, with Welshman Sebastian Ling the only driver within a mathematical chance of spoiling the young Ulsterman’s glory.

Not knowing whether to drive at a reduced pace and run the risk of losing concentration or get down to business as usual, Morrow decided that a cautious approach was the order of the day. Therefore, he was surprised to emerge from the first stage in his familiar position of first in the Evo Challenge, with a time good enough to put him in fifth place overall.

David Bogie was second quickest of the Evos with Ling third, both drivers reporting overshoots and spins in unpredictably slippery conditions. But later that morning the few seconds lost here-and-there was to become the least of their worries.

Try as he might to get in the way of Morrow reaping his reward, Ling’s gallant efforts were dashed when a driveshaft sheared on stage two and he collected a puncture on SS4, the upshot of which lost him two and-a-half minutes and a drop down the Mitsubishi leader-board to seventh.

With Bogie keen to record his first Evo Challenge victory of the season, he upped his pace on SS2 and went into the lead, extending his advantage on stage three after Morrow also broke a driveshaft. However, it all went wrong for Bogie on SS4 when he slid wide and clipped a rock which flipped his car upside-down. Thankfully he and his co-driver Robert Fagg emerged unscathed, but the same could not be said for his Mitsubishi.

SS4 also nearly spelt the end of Morrow’s day, when he had to avoid a stray digger in the stage! Fortunately he saw the solid obstacle in advance and, after negotiating it, he and co-driver Daniel Barritt dutifully stopped at the next radio point to report the incident before completing the stage.

Although losing time, Morrow still held the lead, but was now just six seconds ahead of Daniel Barry who was out to prove the pace he has shown during the season, with Stephen Petch now third having set the fastest Evo Challenge time on stage four.

The main service halt of the day was followed by a short spectator stage in Pickering Showground, which although only half-mile long, saw the exit of Alan Carmichael, who’s Evo’s transmission started making strange noises when first gear broke as he left the start-line.

It was then back to the forests for stages six and seven, where Barry was slowed by a broken gearbox mounting. This subsequent loss of time allowed Petch to snatch second place, but arguments with banks and chicanes - plus a loose differential mounting, meant that he slipped back to third on SS8.

With Elsmore and his co-driver for this event Patrick Walsh now familiarised and going faster, an optimistic pacenote saw them go straight on at a junction and squeeze their Evo between two boulders, specifically placed there by the forestry commission to stop cars going beyond that point! Amazingly, no damage was incurred and they continued, albeit having to renegotiate the gap to return to the stage!

Icelandic Rally Champion Daniel Sigurdarson with his sister and co-driver Asta Sigurdardottir were thoroughly enjoying their visit to the UK until a rear suspension arm mysteriously broke on a road section between stages six and seven. However, they weren’t going to let this spoil their event - or the co-driver’s 18th birthday - and once repaired they went on to take sixth place, their highest finish in the Evo Challenge so far.

Also enjoying his day and running for most of it in sixth place - right up until stage eight - was Thomas Naughton with new co-driver Terry Wilson, their excellent run brought to an end when their car’s differential took a turn for the worse.

With three stages left to go, crews held their breath and did their best to keep out of trouble until the end - except for Sebastian Ling, who decided that now he couldn’t win the championship, he would show the rest of the Mitsubishi field just what he was capable of, as he proceeded to set five fastest stage times.

But it was Morrow’s day and, as he came to a halt at the stop line of the final stage, the combination of delight and relief on his face signified the end of four years of trying to win the most sought-after prize in British rallying.

“I can’t believe it! The team and I have worked so hard for this for the past four years, it’s difficult to describe what I’m feeling right now”, said Morrow. “This has been a great season where I have been able to put all of my bad luck behind me and use the experience I’ve gained during the past three seasons. I’m now really looking forward to next year and a full assault in the British Championship.”

The eighth and final round of the Evolution Challenge takes place in just two weeks time on 20th October, when the championship returns to the National Gravel Championship for the north-Wales based Bulldog Rally.

The series is backed by Mitsubishi Motors UK Ralliart, with support from its associate sponsors: Pirelli, PIAA, Speedline Corse, Sparco, Performance Friction Brakes, Shell Helix and Tesco 99 Octane - suppliers of the controlled fuel for the championship.


Photo Caption
Phillip Morrow became the 2007 Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge champion this weekend, when he scored his sixth victory of the season on the Rally Yorkshire. He celebrated the win with co-driver Daniel Barritt (copyright free image).

For media enquiries and copyright free images please contact the Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge Series Coordinator & Press Officer, Simon Slade:
Tel: 01935 424873 | Mob: 07966 153555 | E.mail: simon@rpmpromo.com

For all other enquiries, please contact:
Mitsubishi Ralliart: Paul Brigden
Tel: 01285 647680 | E.mail: p.brigden@mitsubishi-cars.co.uk

Mitsubishi Motors UK Press Office:
Tel: 01285 647200 | E.mail: n.reglar@mitsubishi-cars.co.uk

For the latest Evolution Challenge news, visit: www.evo-challenge.com

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