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Bogie scores first podium finish for JR Motorsports Team

MSA British Rally Championship Round Two Preview
Pirelli International Rally – 17th & 18th April 2009

  • David Bogie drives JR Motorsports Evo X into third place.
  • Pre-event development work pays off.
  • JRM Lico take healthy lead in Team’s Championship.
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20th April 2009Printer Version
The second round of the MSA British Rally Championship, the Pirelli International Rally, saw David Bogie and co-driver Kevin Rae bring their Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X home in third place and score the first podium finish for JR Motorsports.

Team-mates Daniel Sigurdarson and Andy Bull finished sixth – a great achievement considering their similar Lico-sponsored car was only completed hours before the start - the combined results of both Mitsubishis seeing Team JRM Lico shoot into the lead of the British Team’s Championship.

Starting and finishing at Carlisle Racecourse, all of the event’s 12 timed special stages took place over the infamous gravel roads in Kielder Forest, the two stages on Friday night and the remaining 10 on Saturday providing a total of 102 competitive miles.

Following their fifth-place finish on the opening round, the JR Motorsports team had worked hard on the development of the new Mitsubishi – and their efforts paid off - as David reported the engine was far more responsive right from the start.

With a tough rally ahead of them and the reputation of Kielder Forest on their minds, David and Kevin opted for a cautious approach to the opening stage. Determined to push harder through the second, their plan was foiled shortly after the start when they caught the car ahead of them - which was slowed by a puncture - and they lost over 15 seconds in the prevailing dust before they were able to get past.

At the overnight halt the time sheets showed David and Kevin in sixth place and only 11 seconds away from a top three position. In the sister car, their team-mates were delighted that their brand new Evo X had run faultlessly and were pleased to be in tenth place.

Saturday started with a loop of four stages and David and Kevin were eager to carry on from where they left off the night before. Although it was close, they were able to fend off the competition and, with the demise of two cars ahead of them, they moved up to fourth before returning to Carlisle for the service stop.

Besides a set of new tyres and repairs to the exhaust system – which had been crushed on the rougher sections of the stages – the JRM car had run perfectly and hopes were high for a good result as David and Kevin embarked on the next loop, which was a repeat of the four stages tackled earlier.

After setting the fourth-fastest time on SS7, stage eight was stopped when rally leader Guy Wilks’ car caught fire. This forced organisers to abandon the next three stages as many of the following crews had used their fire extinguishers in an attempt to put out the blaze and could not continue without them. Cars were then sent back to Carlisle for a regroup before the event’s final two stages.

Now in third, the team were determined not to lose the chance of a podium place and a third fastest time in SS11 consolidated the position. But then, on the final stage, a large rock fractured the car’s rear differential casing and pulled out a driveshaft. Now, with only two-wheel drive, David and Kevin drove the final few miles holding their breath. But they made it, and crossed the line just 1.8 seconds ahead of a rapidly catching fourth-placed crew.

“I am so pleased to have got the car back to the finish and to secure third place”, said David. “It’s great to have scored the first podium finish in the British Championship, not just for me, but for the JR Motorsports team as well. I know they have worked hard on the car and its performance and reliability this weekend proves that the Evo X  has great potential.”

Besides a brief visit into a Northumberland ditch in the morning and also damaging the exhaust system, Sigurdarson and Bull’s car also proved reliable and they crossed the line in sixth place. The combination of the team’s two results launches Team JRM Lico into an 11-point lead in the Team’s Championship, with David and Kevin now third in the driver’s and co-driver’s standings.

The third round of the MSA British Rally Championship sees the surface change to asphalt, when teams head to Kelso for the Jim Clark Rally on 22nd & 23rd May.

JR Motorsports’ 2009 British Rally Championship campaign is supported by: Oakbank Services, Exe-tc competition suspension, Lico, Opie Oils, PPG Transmissions and SJS Designs.

British Rally Championship positions after round two

1 Keith Cronin 40 Pts
2 Mark Higgins 36 Pts
3 David Bogie 30 Pts
4 Dave Weston Jnr 26 Pts
5 Alistair Fisher 27 Pts
6 Jonny Greer 25 Pts
7 Craig Breen 19 Pts
8 Chris Firth 18 Pts
9 Stuart Jones 16 Pts
10 Adam Gould 15 Pts
10 Martin McCormack 15 Pts
12 Daniel Sigurdarson 12 Pts

JRM Lico 67 Pts

TEG Sport Pirelli 56 Pts
Revolution Wheels 15 Pts


Notes for editors
David Bogie is 21 and lives in Dumfries.
Kevin Rae is 31 and lives in Hawick.
Daniel Sigurdarson is from Iceland
Andy Bull is from Birmingham
JR Motorsports is based in Chesterfield.

For further media information please contact team press officer Simon Slade:
Tel: 01935 424873
Mob: 07966 153555


Danni slökkvilišsmašur į leiš 8

Nśna žegar tvęr leišir eru eftir af 12 er Danni  ķ 7. sęti sem er alveg glęsilegt.

Žaš kviknaši ķ fyrsta bķl į 8. leiš og Danna įsamt fleirum tókst aš koma ķ veg fyrir aš stórbruni yrši ķ Kielder skógi. Veriš er aš reyna aš śtvega nż slökkvitęki ķ bķlana svo hęgt sé aš halda įfram og klįra keppnina.



Danni er ķ 8. sęti žegar keppnin er hįlfnuš

Žaš gengur vel žrįtt fyrir aš hafa sprengt dekk į 1. leiš og velt į 4. leiš en hann tapaši ašeins mķnśtu į žvķ.


Danni velti į leiš 4

Danni tapaši miklum tķma į 4. leiš žegar hann velti en žeir nįšu aš żta bķlnum aftur į veginn og klįra. Ķ žetta skiptiš prófaši hann aš velta į hęgri hlišina sem hefur ekki gerst įšur.

Žeir eru bśnir aš vera ķ vandręšum meš afliš og žaš hefur vantaš alveg 40-50 hestöfl en žeir ętla aš laga žaš nśna ķ hįdegishléinu.

Žaš er rosalega gaman og Danni žakkar stušninginn og sendir knśs til Ķslands.

Myndir af bķlnum eftir fyrstu tvęr leišir



Image053 (1)


Ef žiš viljiš fylgjast meš Danna keppa žį er žetta slóšin til aš sjį tķmana :)

Bķllinn ķ gęr:







14.4.2009 - fariš aš taka į sig mynd


7.4.2009 - byrjaš aš raša saman



12.4.2009 Vélin fór ķ um helgina



13.4.2009 gangsetning

New Image




 Cronin ahead, but Wilks joins Higgins’ chase


The second round of the 2009 MSA British Rally Championship is a mere three weeks after the first nail biting opener in Wales and Irishman Keith Cronin will be keen to keep the momentum after his first win, on the forthcoming Pirelli International Rally on 17/18th April.  


All the crews will need to be on their toes to turn their cars around for the event, which has previously been the start point for the BRC, as Easter also falls between the two rallies. Despite the tight schedule, over forty entries are already on the International list.  Absent from the tussle at the top between Cronin/Greg Shinnors and Mark Higgins/Bryan Thomas, was reigning BRC Champion Guy Wilks, but he and Phil Pugh will be back to try and secure their own hat-trick of wins on the Carlisle based rally. Wilks’ switch to a Proton S2000 will mean an unfamiliar package for the Durham driver.  


Seeded at car one as the winner of both the 2007 and 2008 Pirelli International and British Rally Championships, Wilks should add even more spice to the action at the front, the ultra fast Cumbrian stages suiting his smooth yet attacking driving style.  Iceland’s Daniel Sigurdarsson takes the place of Stuart Jones in a Team JRM Lico evolution 10, the 32year-old former Icelandic Rally Champion and BRC newcomer making the move from his regular Evo 9 for the Cumbrian event.  


2008 Pirelli Star Diver Adam Gould and Seb Marshall will benefit from previous experience on the event, as will Andreas Sjölander and Håkan Jacobsson, both crews expected to go well after impressive UK 4WD debuts in Wales.  


Two Scottish Davids; Bogie and Weston Junior, with co-drivers Kevin Rae and Neil Shanks respectively, will battle for Celtic honours against two Northern Irishmen, the four taking fifth to eighth points on round one.

The Irishmen in question come in the form of Alastair Fisher and Jonny Greer, former BRC and Irish Champion co-driver Rory Kennedy alongside Fisher, with Antony O'Conaill guiding Greer.  


British Teams Rally Championship  


As leaders in the category, Pirelli TEG Sport drivers Higgins and Gould will be watching their backs for improvements in the JRM Lico Team. Sigurdarsson and Bogie have certainly got a bit of ground to make up, but speed and consistency are required for the Team award.  


Unfortunate not to finish the first round, Rob Swann/Darren Garrod and Euan Thorburn/Claire Mole’s Revolution Wheels team will be burning some midnight oil to make the start of the rally. Swann’s car suffered an electrical failure while Thorburn’s introduction to the BRC ended more violently, crashing out on stage three of the Bulldog. 

Heimasķša rallsins:

Rįsröš internationals:

EVO X - bśinn aš brjóta ķsinn?

Allaveganna žį įtti evo X einn hrašasta tķma ķ PWRC um sķšustu helgi!


Nś er alveg spennandi aš sjį hvort aš viš höfum vešjaš į réttan hest og aš hraši žessara bķla muni aukast framśr evo 9 - eša sśbaru N14?

Svo kemur ķ ljós nęstkomandi laugardag hvort višĶslendingar munum keppa ķ annari umferš bresku meistarakeppninnar um ašra helgi - en žaš er ljóst aš vegna samninga erlendis veršur evo X keppnisbķll okkar aš keppa žar burtséš frį hver ekur honum. Vegna óvissu um įstand undirritašs er Stuart Jones skrįšur til keppninnar į bķlnum okkar - en hann įtti upphaflega ašeins aš aka malbiksumferširnar ķ BRC til aš skila reynslu og žróun til žeirra sem standa aš žessu ęvintżri okkar.

Viš munum koma meš fréttir af žessu eftir helgina.


Glešilega pįska kęru akstursķžróttaunnendur :)

DS og Co

Trelleborg rallż - "okkar" menn klįra ķ 6 sęti.


 Um sķšustu helgi fór undirritašur śt til svķžjóšar til aš vera til halds og trausts fyrir nżja eigendur af EVO 9 keppnisbķl okkar sķšan ķ fyrra - en žeir voru aš žreyta frumraun sķna og fyrstu kķlómetra ķ bķlnum eftir kaupin.Fyrir keppnina var bķllinn almįlašur ķ grįum lit og snyrtur aš sęnskum siš.


IMG 3234

EVO-inn okkar gamli meš smį beyglu eftir fyrstu keppni sķna ķ svķžjóš


Žaš voru um 200 įhafnir sem skrįšu sig ķ ralliš - en ašeins var plįss fyrir 144 bķla žannig aš vel žurfti aš skera nišur skrįningarnar (vęri nś stuš aš sjį slķkt į Ķslandi).

Jocke og Rickard voru meš kunnulegt rįsnśmmer - 33 - en žaš nśmer viršist rata oft į žennan bķl.

IMG 2841

Magnašur 330hö BMW meš rįsnśmmer 1

Ķ stuttu mįli žį klįrušu žeir ķ sjötta sęti - sem veršur aš teljast įsęttanlegt fyrir žį félagana. Bķllinn sló ekki feilpśst alla keppnina en žeim tókst nś samt aš klessa ašeins bęši frambretti bilsins.

Žaš var annar félagi Magnus Andersson  -  sem sigraši keppnina rśmlega mķnśtu į undan "okkar" mönnum.

 MG 3078

"gamli" evoinn okkar ķ nżjum lit

Annars var mest gaman aš sjį hvaš svķarnir nį aš kreista spikfeitu og klunnalegu volvoana sķna įfram - - alveg magnaš aš sjį volvo 240 meš 300hö mótor.

IMG 2966

"fallegur" Volvo 240į fleygiferš

Nęsta keppni žeirra veršur 25.4 - og svo fyrsta umferš sęnsku meistarakeppninnar žann 15.5

Nokkar myndir voru settar inn ķ albśmiš okkar:

Kvešja / DS

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