24.8.2007 | 13:53
Haustralliš - alla Flóšhestana ķ keppni !
Góšan daginn
Nś er fariš aš undirbśa haustralliš į fullum krafti og erum viš aš vonast til aš geta sett allt frįbęra žjónustulišiš ķ keppnina ķ žetta sinn. Allt hefur veriš sett ķ gang til aš finna sem flesta nothęfa rallżbķla sem fengist gętu lįnašir ķ keppnina.
Nś žegar er ljóst aš Tótan hans Eyjó veršur vonandi oršin klįr. Simma Twincam veršur geršur klįr, Focusinn veršur ķ keppninni, EVO veršur meš ef hann veršur ekki seldur og svo vantar okkur 2 bķla ķ višbót!
Stefnan er sett į aš gera sjįlfstętt meistaramót Flóšhesta inn ķ keppninni sem haldin veršur 29.9.2007 - meš veglegum veršlaunum.
Ef einhverjir geta veitt okkur lišsinni žį endilega hafiš samband.
Kvešja / Flóšhestarnir
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 23:35 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (1)
22.8.2007 | 13:43
Myndir śr Alžjóšarallinu
Góšan daginn
Ljósmyndaflóšhesturinn er byrjašur aš dęla inn myndum. Mikiš var tekiš af mannlķfs og bķlamyndum af öllum keppendum.
Nęstu dagana mun bętast reglulega ķ albśmin - en heildarfjöldi mynda skiptir hundrušum.
Annars er žaš aš frétta af okkur aš stefnan er aš allir Flóšhestarnir keppi ķ sķšustu umferš Ķslandsmótsins ķ rallż - og er hafin leit aš lįnsbķlum ķ žaš verkefni.
Skemmtilegast veršur žó ef gengur aš koma Įstu undir stżriš į rallżbķl - en stelpan er oršin mjög spennt fyrir įskoruninni og hyggur į daglegar akstursęfingar fram aš keppni.
Viš munum setja reglulega inn fréttir af framvindunni.
Kvešja / Flóšhestarnir
Bloggar | Breytt 24.8.2007 kl. 23:06 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
18.8.2007 | 17:21
Alžjóšaralliš - Sigur Flóšhestana og Ķslandsmeistaratitillinn ķ höfn :)
Góšan daginn kęru lesendur
Nś rétt ķ žessu var Alžjóšaralliš aš klįrast. Ótrśleg barįtta um sigurinn var alveg fram į sķšasta meter rallsins žar sem śrslit réšust ekki fyrr en ķ lok sķšustu leišar.
Dagurinn fór įgętlega af staš hjį keppendum žar sem Flóšhestarnir nįšu aš saxa 12 sekśndur af keppinautum sķnum į fyrstu leiš - og gįfu žar meš tóninn um aš rallinu vęri hvergi nęrri lokiš. Į nęstu leiš sem lį um Kaldadal féllu svo forystumennirnir Siguršur Bragi og Ķsak śr leik žar sem olķulögn fór ķ sundur ķ vélarsal bķls žeirra. Ķ lok žeirrar leišar skildu žvķ ašeins 24 sekśndur aš Flóšhestana frį fyrsta bķl - og fimm leišir eftir.
Nś varš fjandinn laus og bįšar įhafnir gįfu ALLT ķ žaš sem eftir stóš af keppninni. Į nęstu leiš sem er 19km löng var nįkvęmlega sami aksturstķmi og žvķ enn 24 sek munur. Į leiš um Nesjavallaheiši nįšu Flóšhestarnir aš minnka forskotiš nišur ķ 17 sek og nišur ķ 12 sek į leišinni žar į eftir. Žrjįr sekśndur ķ višbót nįšust į nęstsķšustu leišinni og žvķ forysta Jóns og Borgars ašeins 9 sekśndur fyrir sķšustu leiš rallsins -Djśpavatn. Ķ sem styšstu mįli tókst okkur aš vinna leišina meš 16 sek og ralliš um leiš! Ķ bónus er žaš ljóst aš Flóšhestališiš hefur tryggt sér Ķslandsmeistaratitilinn annaš įriš ķ röš!
Viš viljum nota vettfanginn til aš óska öllum keppendum til hamingju meš sinn įrangur og sérstaklega Jóni og Borgari sem endušu ķ -öšru sęti eftir frįbęran akstur alla dagana žrjį - og einnig bręšrunum Fylkir og Elvar sem endušu ķ žrišja sęti sem er žeirra besti įrangur frį upphafi.
Žeim keppendum sem ekki nįšu aš klįra sendum viš samśšarkvešju - en žessi keppni er eitt žaš erfišasta sem menn og bķlar geta fundiš og žvķ töluvert um afföll.
Starfsmenn, keppnishaldarar og keppendur allir fį enn einu sinni okkar allra bestu žakkir fyrir frįbęra keppni, drengskap og dugnaš. TAKK TAKK TAKK
Kvešja / Flóšhestarnir
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 17:43 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (10)
17.8.2007 | 22:49
Alžjóšaralliš 2 dagur. Allur heimsins mótbyr ķ dag!
Góša kvöldiš
Nś ķ kvöld lauk öšrum deginum ķ 28. alžjóšarallinu Rally Reykjavķk. Einstaklega erfišur dagur fyrir keppendur og bķla - en eknar voru leišir į sušurlandi. Žó nokkur afföll hafa veriš ķ rallinu en fyrstu bķlarnir hafa gengiš įfallalaust aš mestu.
Viš Flóšhestarnir įttum erfišasta dag fyrr og sķšar en allar heimsins mótbįrur hafa duniš į okkur sķšustu vikuna og ekki skįnaši įstandiš ķ dag. Eftir aš hafa veriš meš bķlinn hįlfklįran framan af degi žį tókst aš vinna upp tķma og vorum viš kominn ķ toppslaginn aš nżju žegar ólaniš bankaši uppį. Drifskaft losnaši algerlega undan bķlnum og nįšum viš aš koma žvķ undir en fengur tķmavķti į okkur vegna žess. Įfram hélt slagurinn og erum viš sem stendur ķ 3ja sętinu um mķnśtu į eftir žvķ fyrsta. Enn hefur okkur ekki tekist aš finna afl ķ bķlnum og žvķ er gjörsamlega bśiš aš keyra allt śt śr honum til aš halda ķ hraša. Ekki er aš neita aš fariš sé aš lįta į sjį - en gripurinn hefur fengiš aš finna til tevatnsins vęgast sagt.
Nś er ekkert annaš eftir en aš žakka žjónustulišinu fyrir frįbęrt starf - og vinna upp tapašan tķma į morgun. Amk er okkur algerlega slétt sama žó viš klįrum ekki keppnina. Allt eša ekkert sagši kellingin og ekkert vęl :)
Siggi Bragi er fyrstur og svo kemur Jón Bjarni 48 sek žar į eftir og svo Flóšhestarnir rétt į eftir žeim. Eyjó er fjórši, Fylkir er fimmti og Hilmar er sjötti.
Į morgun er lengsti dagur rallsins og hefst keppni 6:55 ķ fyrramįliš. Eknar verša leišir um Tröllhįls-Uxahryggi, Kaldidalur, Tröllhįls, Nesjavallaheiši, Geithįls, Kleifarvatn og endaš į Djśpavatni tilbaka.
Kvešja / Flóšhestarnir
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 23:25 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (3)
16.8.2007 | 23:14
Alžjošaralliš - fyrsti leggur - śrslit
Góša kvöldiš.
Žį er fyrsta legg af fjórum lokiš ķ alžjóšarallinu rally Reykjavik. Eknar voru fjórar sérleišir į sušurnesjum og ķ Reykjavik - samtals um 10% af heildarkeppninni.
Viš Flóšhestarnir erum bśinn aš eiga erfiša viku en langvarandi vesen į keppnisbķl okkar hefur gert okkur lķfiš leitt. Viš böršumst af miklu haršfylgi ķ dag og nįšum rśmlega hįlfrar mķnśtu forskoti žegar ólįniš bankaši aftur upp į. Fjórša sérleišin lį um gömlu öskuhaugana į Gufunesi og žar misstum viš vald į bķlnum og endušum į stein. Allt fór ķ mask vinstra megin aš framan, öxull, spyrna, stżrisendar, hlķfšarpanna fór undan bķlum og intercooler laskašist. Viš nįšum aš bakka nokkur hundruš metra og koma bķlnum svo ķ endamark.
Frįbęru žjónustuflóšhestarnir okkar geršu allt ķ mannlegu valdi til aš koma bķlnum ķ žokkalegt stand og tókst sś vinna nokkuš vel - amk nógu vel til aš halda įfram į morgun.
Sem stendur erum viš ķ fimmta sęti - 1mķn og 27 sekśntum į eftir forystumönnunum Jóni og Borgar - en žeir leiša ralliš. 20 sekśndum į eftir žeim koma svo Siguršur Bragi og Ķsak - Óskar og Valtżr - Jóhannes og Linda eru skammt žar į eftir.
Į morgun hefst ralliš klukkan 6:45 og veršur dagurinn langur fyrir įhafnir og bķla. Viš ętlum okkur aš keyra eins og hęgt er og sjį hvort žaš sé gerlegt aš vinna upp tapašan tķma sķšan ķ dag.
Kvešja / Flóšhestarnir :=)
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 23:27 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
16.8.2007 | 01:21
Alžjóšaralliš aš hefjast!
Góšan daginn.
Nś ķ dag hefst alžjóšaralliš Rally Reykjavķk og stendur žaš fram į laugardag.
Mikiš bras hefur veriš į flóšhestunum ķ undirbśningi fyrir žetta rall og žvķ mišur viršist ólįniš ętla aš halda įfram hjį okkur - en óvišgeršarhęf bilun er ķ drifbśnaši keppnisbķls okkar.
Tekinn hefur veriš įkvöršun um aš leggja samt af staš ķ ralliš og freista žess aš keyra eins langt og hęgt er - en ralliš bżšur įhöfnum sen hefja keppnina upp į aš koma inn aš nżju žó žęr detti śt - en nżtt drif gęti mögulega veriš komiš į föstudag til landsins:)
Žetta er og veršur žriggja daga veisla fyrir įhugafólk og skorum viš į sem flesta aš lįta sjį sig og fylgjast meš stórglęsilegum bķlaflotanum berjast um sekśndur. Allar upplżsingar um ralliš mį finna į heimasķšunni: www.rallyreykjavik.net
Einnig munum viš birta fréttir hér ķ lok hvers dags.
Kvešja / Flóšhestarnir.
Bloggar | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
15.8.2007 | 11:13
Nżjar myndir
Nś styttist ķ nęstu törn og til aš hita upp fyrir Rallż Reykjavķk hafa veriš settar inn myndir śr sķšasta rallż af öllum keppendum į Męlifellsdal.
Kvešja, Flóšhestarnir
Bloggar | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
8.8.2007 | 16:11
Alžjóšaralliš 2007 - Lķtiš um erlendar įhafnir
Góšan daginn.
Nś styttist óšum ķ langstęrsta rall įrsins hérlendis - en dagana 16-18 įgśst veršur alžjóšaralliš haldiš ķ 28.sinn.
Mörg undanfarinn įr hefur allt aš helmingur keppenda veriš erlendis frį en žvķ mišur lķtur śt fyrir aš fęrri komi ķ įr. Mestu munar um breska herinn - sem hefur veriš aš senda allt aš tķu jeppa įrlega hingaš til keppni. Vegna alkunns hernašarbrölts Breta žį hefur žeim veriš meinuš žįttaka ķ įr. Mikil eftirsjį er ķ žeim - žó sér ķ lagi Alans Paramore - sem keppt hefur einna oftast allra keppt ķ rallinu. Hann kom hingaš til lands ķ fyrra meš geysilega öflugan Sśbarś og leiddi keppnina žegar hann velti bķlnum meš miklum lįtum į leiš um Heklu.
Eftirfarandi bréf sendi kappinn i dag:
Hello Mate.
I trust you are well and that you are looking forward to the Rally?
Due to operational commitments in the Middle East and a current dictate from the Military hierarchy which has seen the Team put on what we hope to only be a temporary ban from competition, we will sadly not be able to join you this year.
The Team has every intention of rejoining the Reykjavik party in 2008 and will continue to work to that aim. Tryggvi has been trying his best and doing a great job to unblock all of the operational issues for us if we were able to get competitively un-banned by our bosses but we are now out of time and there is no change of heart on the horizon from the Chairman of the Armed Forces Motoring Association.
Best of luck on the event and I am so sorry that it will not be a repeat of last years automotive battle between us. I will look forward to watching your progress on the internet.
Onwards and upwards!
Regards to all
Bloggar | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
24.7.2007 | 21:31
Swansea bay rallż- śrslit og umfjöllun.
Verš aš deila žessu meš ykkur. Alveg hrillilega fyndin komment į orš ökumannanna :)
Hankook MSA Gravel Rally Championship
Press Information
Swansea Bay National Rally - Saturday 21st July 2007
Monday July 23rdSTAGE SNIPPETS
- Miles Johnson was a non starter as while car and navigator managed to get through to Swansea, unfortunately Miles couldnt. That was despite driving round all night trying to find a road that hadnt been closed by the floods. By the time he could have got through, he was too far away to make the start.
- Tom Walster was more fortunate as he too spent all night driving down many roads, then having to turn round at floods and this with the car on the trailer! But he did manage to find a way through and arrived at the start with only seconds to spare. The car was scrutineered on the trailer at the start and he started the event at the rear of the Clubmans field.
- Former champion Paul Bird wasnt present in Swansea as he was away contesting the Manx International Rally which he pledged to do when his RBS Manx International Rally ended in retirement back in May. Whilst he was away, his Stobart Superbike Team notched up their first win in three years at Mallory Park!
- Thanks to everyone who spotted out deliberate mistake in the photo caption of Saturday nights post event release whereby we had Claire Mole co driving for Marcus Dodd. Not that Andrew Bargery is particularly ugly, we just thought Marcus maybe needed a touch of glamour to spice up proceedings and at very least, it proved that lots of people do actually read the press releases. Apologies all round; wed all had a long day!
- Mitsubishi Evo front runner Seb Ling rolled out of the event on the opening stage. On a very slippery section nine-miles into stage, he slid wide but a wheel clipped a bank and flipped the car over. Although resulting in very little damage and landing on its wheels, his Evo was going nowhere as it was stuck the other side of the bank frustratingly, just feet from the road.
"That was a wonderful first stage, Im driving on adrenalin due to no sleep last night Tom Walster proves that sleep is for the weak, I mean who organises rallies in summer when they know that the country will be underwater
Its too slippery; Im driving like an old woman John Lloyd admits that with our advancing years, none of us are getting any younger although weve not seen Martha and Gertie Bobblethwaite on the stages lately
The driving has improved to that of a middle aged woman! Do you realise we are the oldest team competing today with the exception of Harry Dodd, we are over 110 years old between us! Point taken John .I dont understand the two punctures Quite simple, Mr Petch, the pneumatic properties of a deflating tyre means the residual grip and adhesion to the contact path of the surface is greatly diminished
"Im trying to drive nice and steadily so as not to wake him Jonathan Sparks perhaps showing a little too much consideration for co driver Bradley Magnus who was another to have driven through the night because of the floods
Marcus caught me with my trousers down That must have been some pre-rally party that Messrs Perez and Dodd had been to!
It feels like I have done three hours in the gym I am sweating so much Was Phil Morrow referring to the demanding SS4 or was he at the same party as Perez and Dodd the night before
Today was like walking into a party where everyone is drunk but you are not quite drunk enough! This party thing is getting out of hand now but anyone who knows Jock Lance Armstrong will vouch for the fact that if there was one, hell have been there
Shes running like a Massey Ferguson 35 Tractor Neil McCance obviously knows his stuff when it comes to the latest agricultural model. Wonder if she was at the party
Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge and Cup by Simon Slade
For the fourth time this season, Phillip Morrow recorded victory in the Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge when he won Saturdays round five, the Swansea Bay Rally. Together with his co-driver Daniel Barritt, he finished one-minute 48-seconds ahead of second-placed Nik Elsmore/Vicky Allen, with David Bogie/Robert Fagg in third.
With the recent severe weather creating havoc with the UKs road network, many crews were experiencing problems even before the start as three of the Mitsubishi competitors were affected: Bradley Magnus, co-driver for Jonathan Sparks, spent all night on the M5 and started the event having had no sleep whatsoever. Wayne Radfords team were also held up because of the conditions and his Lancer arrived in Swansea with just minutes to spare on Saturday morning. More unfortunate was Miles Johnston, who was also held up on the M5 overnight and, when traffic started moving again, he found was too far away to get to the start in time. Ironically, both Radford and Johnston are the two leading crews for the Evo Cup, the class for closer-to-standard Mitsubishi Lancers.
The officials of the event were also affected in similar ways and, with some marshals and rescue crews unable to get to Swansea, organisers had no choice but to cancel the shortest stage of the rally and re-deploy the manpower where it was needed. This meant that the day now comprised five stages instead of six, all of which took place in the Neath and Rhondda valley forests, the gravel roads reported to be extremely slippery because of the wet conditions.
Having won the previous round, Morrow carried on from where he left off and was the fastest of the Evo crews on SS1, a 12.5 mile run through Margam Park, albeit with a slow puncture. Julian Reynolds, who won this event outright in 2005 and was therefore expected to go well, was 11 seconds behind, having lost time after sliding wide on a corner, the consequent bumps causing the master ignition switch to cut his cars electrics and he lost around 20 seconds before getting going again.
Stage three claimed the second Evo Challenge retirement of the day, Daniel Barry, who slid off the road at a down-hill hairpin beaching his car on its belly and, with no spectators around, could not push his stranded Evo back onto the track.
At the first service halt, after crews had completed three stages, Morrows lead had now decreased to eight seconds from Reynolds, with Bogie a further 50 seconds behind in third.
Stage four was the longest of the rally at 17 miles and where Morrow stamped his authority on proceedings by setting a time 20 seconds quicker than any other Evo Challenge competitor. His advantage was increased when a transmission shaft broke in Reynolds car, who took over two minutes longer than the young Ulsterman to complete the stage.
Wayne Sissons good run was ruined when he had to stop and change a puncture four miles into the stage, the five-minute delay destroying his chances of a much hoped-for podium finish. No such problems for Elsmore however, who had now moved into third, with Reynolds relegated to fourth,
With the second service halt providing teams with an hour to fix any problems, Reynolds car was repaired. However, the same could not be said for McCance, whose engine wouldnt start when it was time to leave the service area.
The final stage was another run through Margam Park, by which time Morrow had amassed an 80-second lead and therefore opted for a steady run to ensure he made it to the finish.
Bogie was second and now 24 seconds ahead of Elsmore, but a spin in the last stage cost the Scottish youngster half-a-minute and he crossed the line third, six seconds behind a delighted Elsmore.
With his car retuned to 100% Reynolds proved a point by setting fastest time on the final stage and claimed fourth place. Petch survived a selection of spins and overshoots to finish fifth, with Thomas Naughton sixth having enjoyed the demanding nature of the rally, whilst Sabater was pleased to have made his trip from Spain to finish seventh - despite the conditions.
Sisson was disappointed to finish eighth after such a promising start, whilst in contrast Alan Carmichael was happy to be in the points in ninth. Radford claimed the top Evo Cup placing and was 10th of the Challenge runners too, whilst Sparks was relieved to get to the end of an event with his engine still functioning correctly his co-drivers efforts and the teams determination to continue, rewarding them with the Tesco 99 Octane Spirit Award.
But it was Morrows day, as his performance also saw him win the events Production Class, claim an overall position of fifth, score maximum points towards the PIAA Junior Award and, most importantly, places him in a commanding position in the race for the Evo Challenge title and the first prize of a Mitsubishi works drive.
Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge Round Five - Results
1 Phillip Morrow (Lisburn)/Daniel Barritt (Burnley) 1:03:02.8
2 Nik Elsmore (Coleford)/Vicky Allen (Denbigh) 1:04:50.6
3 David Bogie (Dumfries)/Rob Fagg (Isle of Man) 1:04:56.0
4 Julian Reynolds (Narberth)/Patrick Walsh (Aberystwyth) 1:05:07.7
5 Stephen Petch (Richmond)/Michael Wilkinson (Tow Law) 1:07:00.2
6 Thomas Naughton (Bury)/Horace Saville (Bury) 1:08:05.5
7 Alex Sabater (Spain)/Miquel Amblas (Spain) 1:08:27.9
8 Wayne Sisson (Carnforth)/Daniel Stone (Chesterfield) 1:09:35.3
9 Alan Carmichael (Ballymena)/Ivor Lamont (Ballymena) 1:12:05.9
10 Wayne Radford (Dinnington)/Paul Drew (Stroud) - 1:13:33.3
11 Jonathan Sparks (Glastonbury)/Bradley Magnus (Downham Market) 1:13:34.1
Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Cup
1 Wayne Radford (Dinnington)/Paul Drew (Stroud) - 1:13:33.3
Championship Positions
Evolution Challenge
1 Phillip Morrow 53
2 Seb Ling 37
3 Julian Reynolds 31
4 Stephen Petch 31
5 Nik Elsmore 26
Evolution Cup
1 Wayne Radford 42
2 Miles Johnston 36
3 Mark IAnson 18
4 Ferran Font 10
Further information and championship positions at www.gravelrally.co.uk and PLEASE send Tony your press releases!!!
Bloggar | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
23.7.2007 | 00:13
Skagafjaršarralliš - Algjörir yfirburšir
Góša kvöldiš.
Žį er flotinn kominn til byggša eftir stórkostlega helgi ķ Skagafirši - en žar fór fram fjórša umferšin ķ Ķslandsmótinu ķ rallż į laugardag. Einnig var bikarmót ķ mótorkross haldiš sama dag og sameinušust svo keppendur og ašrir um kvöldiš į heljarinnar dansleik į Męlifelli žar sem hljómsveitin Spśtnik spilaši.
Ralliš var eins og venjulega alger einstefna Flóšhestališsins sem gjörsigraši allar sérleišarnar og toppaši svo frįbęran įrangur dagsins meš žvķ aš skemmta sér langt fram į morgun meš söng og dansi. Žrįtt fyrir aš hafa veriš svipt stigum śr rallinu žį létu Flóšhestarnir sig žaš ekkert varša - en veršskuldašir veršlaunahafar voru hylltir viš dynjandi lófatak og višeigandi stappi eftir ljómandi kvöldverš ķ boši keppnisstjórnar.
Önnur akstursķžróttafélög męttu taka sér Bifreišaklśbb Skagafjaršar til fyrirmyndar sem virkilega var bśinn aš vinna heimavinnuna sķna. Allir fengu frķ tjaldsvęši, frķtt ķ sund, kvöldverš og alvöru veršlaunaafhendingu, žaš voru gerš auglżsingaplaggöt, nęgt starfsfólk og vel almennt aš öllu stašiš.
Frįbęrt var lķka aš sjį hvaš įhafnir voru almennt vel undirbśnar - en žaš skilaši sér meš algerlega tjónlausri keppni žar sem 14 af 16 įhöfnum luku keppni. Svona į žetta aš vera :)
Bestu žakkir fyrir okkur.
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 00:42 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (26)