Rally Reykjavķk - stórglęsileg keppni žrįtt fyrir aš Bretar hafi hirt sigurinn.

Góšan daginn.

 Dagana 13-15 įgśst fór fram 30. alžjóšaralliš į Ķslandi og var keppnin hin glęsilegasta ķ alla staši į stórafmęlinu. 27 įhafnir hófu keppni og hafa sennilega aldrei fleirri klįraš keppnina žvķ ašeins žrjįr įhafnir uršu aš jįta sig sigraša ķ hinu erfiša og langa ralli.

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Viš Flóšhestar męttum meš fimm bķla og leit lengi vel śt fyrir aš allir kęmust heilir heim, en žvķ mišur uršu Alli og Heimir aš hętta śr sjötta sętinu - eftir stórkostlegar framfarir stanslaust allt ralliš -žegar millikassin gaf upp öndina į sķšasta leišarhluta. En mikiš var gaman aš fylgjast meš žeim félögum brosa og skemmta sér stanslaust - og veršur aš teljast meš miklum ólķkindum hvaš hrašinn er fljótur aš koma hjį žeim en eins og flestir vita hefur Ašalsteinn ašeins ekiš um 500km į sérleišum um ęvina meš žessari keppni meštaldri. Alveg ljóst aš žeir verša komnir ķ topp fimm į nęsta įri.

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Įsta og Tinna fóru öfugum megin framśr į fimmtudag og lögšu af staš inn į fyrstu leiš rallsins meš horn og hala. Eftir um 10km akstur voru žęr bśnar aš taka rosalegan tķma af keppinautum sķnum og ljóst aš veriš var aš keyra hrašar en žurfti og bķllin žoldi. Žetta varš til žess aš bremsur stiknušu og į annari leiš brįst žeim bogalistin og žęr óku śtaf meš grķšarlegu tķmatapi. Aš endingu komst bķllinn aftur upp į veg en ralliš var bśiš fyrir žęr nema aš keppinautar žeirra myndu lenda ķ svipušum hremmingjum - en sś varš ekki raunin. Žęr klįrušu žó alla keppnina meš pomp og pragt - en forysta žeirra į Ķslandsmótinu er oršin ansi tęp.

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Marri og Jónsi voru haltir - en Jónsi lét klippa utan af sér gips daginn fyrir ralliš og var žvķ variš rólega ķ keppninni. Žeir luku keppni ķ fjórša sęti jeppaflokks og mega voru sįttir viš verk helgarinnar.

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Stuart Jones og Ķsak Gušjónsson fengu nżja bķl undirritašs lįnašan ķ keppnina og skilušu honum ķ mark įtta mķnutum į undan nęsta bķl - stórglęsileg framistaša og veršskuldašur sigur ķ alla staši. Ekki hefur Breta įšur tekist aš sigra žessa keppni og raunar hafa erlendir keppendur yfirleitt ekki rišiš feitum hesti frį henni hingaš til. Smįvęgilegur bruni undir vélarhlķf bķlsins endaši žó nęstum keppnina hjį žeim - en sem betur fer nįšist aš leysa žaš vandamįl og var sigrinum aldrei ógnaš eftir žaš.

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Mick Jones, pabbi Stuarts ók evo 5 lįnsbķl undirritašs og žurfti hann aš keyra allt ralliš nótulaust og įn žess aš skoša leišir. Fimmta sętiš var okkar - og sķšast en ekki sķst mikil gleši og hlįtur. Alveg dęmalaust rugl er aš sitja faržegamegin ķ bķl og veršur žaš ekki endurtekiš af undirritušum ķ brįš.

Alžjóšarall innan śr fimmu 001


Keppnishaldarar, starfsmenn, keppinautar, servicemenn og konur, eldabuskurnar okkar, ljósmyndarar, įhorfendur og įhugamenn fį endalausar žakkir fyrir aškomu sķna aš keppninni. Nżkrżndir Ķslandsmeistarar Jón og Sęmundur fį haminjuóskir fyrir įfangan og veršskuldašan titil.

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Myndir frį okkar dįsamlega ljósmyndaflóšhest Geršu eru farnar aš streyma inn ķ albśmin - en hśn varš fyrir žeirri óskemmtilegu lķfsreynslu aš verša nęrri fyrir keppnisbķl ķ rallinu sem missti stjórn į sér. Hugur okkar liggur hjį Geršu og vonir okkar um aš hśn og myndavélin hennar nįi skjótum bata og aš žau sjįist galvösk ķ nęstu keppni.

Kvešja / Danni


RALLY REYKJAVIK - Glešin byrjar ķ dag!

Góšan daginn.

30. Alžjóšaralliš hefst ķ dag og mį finna leišarlżsingu og upplżsingar um ralliš į www.rallyreykjavik.net

Einnig mun www.rallysport.blog.is fjalla um keppnina ķ mįli og myndum nęstu daga.

Žaš er fjöldi erlendra įhafna ķ žessari keppni og ber hęst aš nefna žį fešga Mick og Stuart Jones - en žeir fengu lįnaša keppnisbķla undirritašs fyrir ralliš. Ķ gęrkvöldi fóru žeir aš prófa og setja upp bķlana og eru myndir af ęfingunni hér aš nešan:

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Meš von um aš framundan sé glęsileg og drengileg keppni žį óska ég öllum góšrar skemmtunar.


Bros og blķša ķ Skagafirši.

Góšan daginn.

 Helgina 24-26 jśli fór fram hiš sķgilda Skagafjaršarrall og męttum viš systkinin žangaš galvösk ķ leit aš góšmįlmum. Ralliš sem Bķlaklśbbur Skagafjaršar į veg og vanda aš, stóš yfir ķ 2 daga og var leišarval einstaklega glęsilegt žetta įriš.

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Danni og Gerša fóru ķ annįlašan ljósmyndabķltśr į evo5 - sem reyndar endaši meš žvi aš myndavélin datt ķ gólfiš į rallżbķlnum og var minna notuš eftir žaš en til stóš. Gerša tók sig til og las leišarnótur af miklum móš og stóš sig meš stakri prżši viš lesturinn. Vakti žaš henni žó nokkra furšu aš nóturnar voru yfirleitt bśnar langt įšur en bķllinn klįraši leiširnar -- en žaš var aukaatriši :) Mikil gleši og hlįtrasköll yfirgnęfšu drunur bķlsins oft į tķšum og ralliš var klįraš meš sóma įn žess aš svo mikiš sem aš lķta į bķlinn eša skipta um dekk alla keppnina.

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Marri og Jónsi męttu į sķnum Sjérljótskķ og reyndu aš hrella ašra keppendur sem mest žeir mįttu allt ralliš. Óžarfa innilokunarkennd sśrefnis ķ hjólböršum bķlsins į Męlifellsdal olli žvķ žó aš žeir nįšu ekki veršlaunasęti ķ žetta skiptiš - en skemmtileg tilžrif og flottur akstur skilaši žeim alla leiš ķ mark.

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Įsta og Tinna įttu žessa keppni meš hśš og hįri. Žęr męttu noršur - reyndar ekki skęlbrosandi žvķ fżlupoki fretsson hafši hreišraš um sig hjį Įstu ķ undirbśningi rallsins. Žaš kom žó ekki aš sök žvķ į föstudagsleišunum sżndu žęr fanta akstur og misstu margir andlitiš viš aš fylgjast meš žessum litlu skvķsum į bleika bķlnum sķnum meš allt ķ grenjandi botni. Į öšrum degi uršu žęr fyrir žvķ ólįni aš bremsugeta bleika fór žverrandi og endaši žaš meš ósköpum žegar žęr kśtveltu ķ endamarki annarar leišar dagsins. Góš rįš voru dżr - en bķllinn var barinn saman og stelpunum hent um borš į nż og rśšulausar ķ rigningunni į ansi krambślerušum bremsulitlum bķlnum geršu žęr sér lķtiš fyrir og klįrušu ralliš ķ 2. sęti jeppaflokks og hlutu aš launum aš vera śtnefndar "mašur keppninnar" :)

Allt okkar fólk - service menn og konur, keppinautar og ašrir fį sinn skerf af žökkum fyrir frįbęra helgi. :)

Myndir frį keppninni eru hér: http://hipporace.blog.is/album/skagafjardarrally_2009/

Ekki er hęgt aš skrifa um žetta rall įn žess aš minnast į hversu vel aš žvķ er stašiš og hversu gaman žaš er aš koma ķ Skagafjörš. Bķlaklśbbur Skagafjaršar og mešlimir hans eru sannar hetjur, metnašarfullt fólk ķ hverri stöšu! Kunnum viš ykkur ómęldar žakkir fyrir eljuna įr eftir įr.

 Knśs frį flóšhestastóšinu.

Walters arena - og Rheonda incar



Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge UK

Press Information

Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge UK
Round Six Report

Swansea Bay Rally -  18th July 2009.

Barry takes fifth victory of the season and clinches title with two rounds remaining.

Sigurdarson denied maiden Evo Challenge victory on final stage by 1.1 seconds.

Elsmore side-lined by transmission woes.

Red dotted line
..20th July 2009
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It was a perfect weekend for Daniel Barry and co-driver Martin Brady, when they crossed the finish line of the Swansea Bay Rally to record their fifth Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge victory of the season and, in doing so, put themselves in an unassailable position for the title.

The new Champions were kept honest all day by Icelandic Rally Champion Daniel Sigurdarson, with his co-driver on this occasion, Andrew Sankey. They led the Evo Challenge for most of the rally, only to be passed on the final stage by Barry/Brady who stopped the clocks to win by a slender 1.1 seconds.

With the absence of their main rivals Simon Hughes/Craig Parry and a reduced Evo Challenge field, all Barry and Brady had to do was finish. But in rallying it’s never that easy and they admitted to a little nervousness before the start outside the Village Hotel in Swansea’s Dockland area.

The event comprised four of the stages which are regularly used for the Wales Rally GB, each run twice during the day to give a total competitive distance of 60-miles. The first two saw Sigurdarson/Sankey take the lead by 7.1 seconds, Barry reporting that he wasn’t concentrating hard enough on Brady’s pace-notes and consequently loosing time.

But for Nik Elsmore/Craig Drew, stage two was to be as far as they went. Half-way through SS1 they heard some strange noises coming from their car’s gearbox and then lost second gear. They therefore decided to nurse the car through SS2 and see if their team could fix the problem at the following service halt, but just 200 yards from the end of the stage, the car came to a halt with no drive at all.

After trying all they could to get their Evo moving again, they frustratingly accepted their fate, further inspection revealing an oil leak, which had eventually led to a complete seizure.

Having gathered his thoughts, Barry was now listening to his co-driver’s instructions and he and Brady went ahead on SS3 by 3.3 seconds, Sigurdarson reporting that the stage had not flowed well for him and Sankey.

With rally organisers cancelling SS4 due to hold-ups, it was now down to the remaining four afternoon’s stages. Knowing that the Evo Challenge title was now within his grasp, Barry’s team issued strict instructions to get to the finish. With Barry’s quest for the title firmly in his sights, stage five saw Sigurdarson/Sankey re-take the lead, the Icelandic driver getting to grips with his new Evo X as every mile clicked-by.

As has become traditional in the Evolution Challenge, it all came down to the final stage and as the two Mitsubishi crews they lined up at the start of SS8 the gap was down to just 3.1 seconds in favour of Sigudarson/Sankey. Unable to resist a last-stage push, the Irishmen emerged from Rhonnda Forest ahead by just 1.1 seconds and, in doing so, recorded their fifth Evo Challenge win in six events.

This result also meant that Barry and Brady are now uncatchable in the race for the title and have amassed enough points to be crowned 2009 Evolution Challenge Champions. At the finish a delighted - and relieved - Daniel Barry said:

“All of us in the team have been working towards this moment for the past three years and I am over the moon that we’re now Evo Challenge Champions. Although we’ve wrapped up the title with two rounds to go it’s not been easy and sometimes, like today, it’s very close, which make the victory feel even better, although I have to say, it hasn’t quite sunk in yet.”

Although having clinched the title before the end of the season, Barry has confirmed he still intends to compete in the remaining two Evo Challenge rounds, the next being the Antrim-based Todds Leap Ulster Rally, which takes place on 21st & 22nd August.

The 2009 Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge is supported by Mitsubishi Motors UK, Ralliart, Pirelli tyres, Sunoco fuels, JR Motorsports, Speedline Corse wheels, Carbone Lorraine brakes, Walkinshaw Performance, Sparco racewear and PIAA lights - who sponsor the junior award for under 25-year old drivers.

Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge Round Six Results
1 Daniel Barry (Enniskerry)/Martin Brady (Navan) 51:15.5
2 Daniel Sigurdarson (Iceland)/Andrew Sankey (Ludlow) 51:16.8

SS2 Nik Elsmore (Coleford)/Craig Drew (Bream) - Gearbox

Championship positions after round six

Daniel Barry 70
2 Simon Hughes 50
3 Nik Elsmore 39
4 Owen Murphy 29
5 Alan Carmichael 18
6 Daniel Sigurdarson 17
7 Andreas Magnusson 8
8 Neil Armstrong 4
Martin Brady 70
2 Craig Parry 40
3 Craig Drew 39
4 Dai Roberts 29
5 Ivor Lamont 18
6 Patrick Walsh 10
7 Henrik Hulterskog 8
8 Isak Gudjonsson 7
9 Max Ferri 4



Photo: Daniel Barry and co-driver Martin Brady recorded their fifth Evolution Challenge victory of the season on round six, the Swansea Bay Rally and, in doing so, put themselves in an unassailable lead for the 2009 title with two rounds still to go. (copyright free image).

Swansea bay - mašur er lengur aš segja 1,1sek en hśn lķšur!

Góšan daginn.

Ķ gęr fór fram Swansea bay ralliš ķ skógunum ķ sušur wales. Eins og fram hefur komiš hér į sķšunni žį vorum viš aš keppa žarna og įttum einstaklega įnęgjulegan dag žar sem reynt var aš landa fyrsta sigri Ķslendings ķ Nat A keppni erlendis. Ekki munaši nś miklu - en viš töpušum forystunni į sķšustu leiš og endušum 1,1sek į eftir nafna mķnum Barry.


Barry hefur veriš einrįšur ķ evo-challenge žetta įriš og er geysilega stķgandi og flķnkur ökumašur. Žykir vķst ekki mikil skömm af žvķ aš tapa fyrir žessum ökumanni.

Besti įrangur okkar er samt sem įšur stašreynd og var mikiš um dżršir viš verlaunaafhendinguna ķ gęrkvöldi žar sem viš sópušum til okkar flestum veršlaunum allra :)

Spirit awards var okkar - sennilega fyrir grįtlegasta mun ķ endamarki og samgleši okkar til veršugra sigurvegara

Walkinshaw veitti veršlaun fyrir "best improvement by seeding" - eša mestu framfarir įhafnar ķ Ancro - og žaš hirtum viš einnig.

Sunoco veitti veršlaun fyrir "best prepared car/crew" - eša snyrtilegasta lišiš ķ keppninni, žaš var okkar.

Pirelli veitti okkur tilžrifaveršlaun keppninnar og alskonar :)

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Allaveganna - žetta var ęšisleg keppni - bķllinn stendur sig eins og hetja sem og lišiš allt. Fjórar keppnir ķ röš įn žess aš svo mikiš sem lenda ķ einni alvarlegri bilun og stöšugur stķgandi ķ įrangri og hraša.

Mig langar aš žakka kęrlega ykkur öllum sem fylgjast meš - stušningur ykkar er mér ómetanlegur!

Kvešja / DS

Swansea Bay rallinu lokiš

Nś er keppni lokiš og ljóst aš enn og aftur hafa nįšst frįbęr śrslit. Danķel Siguršsson og Andrew Sankey klįrušu ķ fimmta sęti, öšru sęti ķ Mitsubishi Eco-Challange. Ķ fjórša sęti rallsins og ķ fyrsta sęti ķ Evo-Challange var Daniel Barry og Martin Brady į Mitsubishi EvoIX.

Barįttan milli žessara tveggja įhafna var grķšarleg allt ralliš en mest skildu 10,2 sekśndur įhafnirnar aš į sérleiš 3.

Žaš sem er jįkvętt viš žetta allt saman er aš nś hafa žeir félagar klįraš tvęr keppnir ķ röš ķ barįttu um sigursętiš, įn žess aš žaš sé svo mikiš sem rispa į bķlnum. Žaš er lķka hęgt aš hugga sig viš žaš aš žeir voru fyrstir til aš tapa ķ bįšum žessum röllum. 




Upplżsingar um Swansea bay ralliš.


* Aftur fjórši besti į ss. 2. kominn meš "žęgilegt" 7,1 sekśnda forskot į Daniel Barry og tępar 40 

sekśndur į vin okkar Wug Utting


 * Nś er ralliš byrjaš og Danni tók fjórša besta tķma į fyrstu leiš, fyrstur ķ Evo-Challange.

Fylgjumst meš į:






Nokkur myndbönd śr snędjśpsrallinu

Eins og sjį mį ķ žessu vķdeói - žótti okkur Geršu hiluxin ekki fara nógu hratt:



Jói mętti į rśtunni og įkvaš aš sżna fęrni sķna ķ tśristaleišsögn

 Smį söngur bętir, hressir og kętir


Vona aš einhverjir fleirri hafi gaman aš :)



Mitsubishi EVO-Challenge - fréttatilkynning Ralliart vegna Swansea bay rallsins um nęstu helgi.

Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge UK
Round Six Preview

Swansea Bay Rally -  18th July 2009.

Series resumes after Summer break.

Barry set to get closer to title.

Sigurdarson returns in Evo X.

Credit crunch puts squeeze on entries.

Red dotted line
..13th July 2009
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After a seven-week break, the Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge season resumes this weekend, with its second visit to the Welsh forests in as many events, the Swansea Bay Rally providing round six of the one make championship for Group N Lancers.

Last time out in round five, the Severn Valley National Rally, the battle between the front-running Mitsubishi teams was as close as it gets, with it all coming down to the final stage and the top three separated by less than 11 seconds. As it turned out, series leaders Daniel Barry/Martin Brady recorded their fourth victory of the year, the result now making them firm favourites for the title.

However, their quest to claim the Evo Challenge Crown may well get even closer this weekend, as second-placed Simon Hughes/Craig Parry have chosen to sit this one out and may not be back until the final round. Therefore, another win by the Irish pair will make the rest of their season far easier, but with two of the eight scores to be dropped, the chase for honours is not over yet.

It will therefore be down to third-placed Nik Elsmore/Craig Drew to put pressure on the leaders and, having won a round of the Mitsubishi championship at this event in previous years, the Gloucestershire driver may well enjoy his first taste of Evo Challenge victory this season.

Such is his love of the sport and his participation in the Mitsubishi series, Icelandic Rally Champion Daniel Sigurdarson will be making the trip to the UK once more to put more miles on his recently built Evolution X. For this rally he will be co-driven by Andrew Sankey and, if his recent pace is anything to go by, Sigurdarson is another who could well be standing at the top of the Evo Challenge podium on Saturday evening.

Other notable absences from the regular Mitsubishi field are Owen Murphy/Dai Roberts, who are in the process of changing cars - and still might enter if the deals go through in time - plus Alan Carmichael/Ivor Lamont, who have opted to contest a round of the Irish Evo Challenge, which takes place the day after the Swansea event.  The reduced number of entries is also reflected in the main National A field which sees a total of 20 cars, whilst the MSA Gravel Championship sees just six, a far lesser number to that of previous years.

The Swansea Bay Rally will again feature some of the stages used for the Wales Rally GB: Rheola, Walters Arena, Resolven and Rhondda. Each will be run twice during the day which, added together, provides crews with a total competitive distance of 60-miles.

The 2009 Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge is supported by Mitsubishi Motors UK, Ralliart, Pirelli tyres, Sunoco fuels, JR Motorsports, Speedline Corse wheels, Carbone Lorraine brakes, Walkinshaw Performance, Sparco racewear and PIAA lights - who sponsor the junior award for under 25-year old drivers.

Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge entries
5 Daniel Barry (Enniskerry)/Martin Brady (Navan)
6 Nik Elsmore (Coleford)/Craig Drew (Bream)
TBC Daniel Sigurdarson (Iceland)/Andrew Sankey (Ludlow)

Championship positions after round five

1   Daniel Barry 58
2   Simon Hughes 50
3   Nik Elsmore 39
4   Owen Murphy 29
5   Alan Carmichael 18
6   Andreas Magnusson 8
7   Daniel Sigurdarson 7
8   Neil Armstrong 4
1   Martin Brady 58
2   Craig Parry 40
3   Craig Drew 39
4   Dai Roberts 29
5   Ivor Lamont 18
6   Patrick Walsh 10
7   Henrik Hulterskog 8
8   Isak Gudjonsson 7
9   Max Ferri 4


Photo:  Icelandic Rally Champion Daniel Sigurdarson will make a welcome return to the UK to contest round six of the Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge in his Evo X, at this weekend’s Swansea Bay Rally (copyright free image).



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