Round two of the 2008 Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge, the Brick and Steel Border Counties Rally on 5th April, has all the hallmarks of being a fiercely fought affair.
With all 14 of the registered Evo Challenge crews taking part, the rally will see a re-match following the closely contested round one, when the top six cars crossed the finish line with less than 30 seconds between them! And, if its anything like last years Border Counties Rally, when the top three Evo Challenge runners were separated by less than a second, then this weekend is likely to see an epic battle emerge.
Winner of the opening round and the driver most local to this event David Bogie is the top Evo Challenge seed on this occasion, his recent form standing him in good stead for another top performance. He is followed by Irishman Daniel Barry, who is getting quicker each time out and is another driver determined to prove his pace this season.
Third in line is Richard Cathcart from Northern Ireland, who had an impressive run in round one, winning more stages than any other driver some of which he drove with only three brakes!
Next up is last years runner-up, Welshman Sebastian Ling, who is hoping to feel more comfortable on the longer and more flowing stages of Kielder than he did in the more compact Forests of Hampshire and Dorset a few weeks ago.
Other potential podium finishers are Nik Elsmore from Gloucestershire and Ulsterman Neil McCance, both former winners of Evo Challenge rounds in the past.
Also in the frame are Icelandic Rally Champion Daniel Sigurdarson, Billy Coleman Award winner Keith Cronin who has recruited ex-works Mitsubishi co-driver Greg Shinnors for the remainder of the season 2007 Fiesta ST Champion Jonny Greer, series rookie Simon Harraway and Evo Cup Champion Miles Johnston.
Evo Challenge regular Jon Sparks is next to take the start, ahead of Tom Naughton and David Meredith, who are running further down the field than normal due to a high number of overall entries.
As well as the second round of the Evolution Challenge, the Border Counties Rally also hosts the second round of the Pirelli MSA Gravel Rally Championship and the County Saab MSA Scottish Rally Championship. The combination of these three major championships sees the event boast an entry of 140 cars, 39 of which will be competing in the National A category, the Evolution Challenge representing 36% of this higher-status field.
The rally starts from Jedburgh at 8.30 on Saturday morning and features seven timed special stages in Kielder Forest and, following 60 miles of competition, cars return to Jedburgh at 5.45 pm for the finish.
The 2008 Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge is backed by Mitsubishi Motors UK and Ralliart, with support from its associate sponsors: Pirelli tyres, Speedline Corse wheels, Sparco racewear, Performance Friction Brakes, Sunoco Race Fuels, ADR Motorsport, Walkinshaw Performance and PIAA lights, who sponsor the junior award for under 25 year old drivers.
Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge entries (in number order)
11 David Bogie (Dumfries)/Kevin Rae (Hawick) (J)
12 Daniel Barry (Enniskerry)/Mark Bowens (Cork) (J)
14 Richard Cathcart (Enniskillen)/Martin Brady (Navan)
15 Sebastian Ling (Llandysul)/Aled Rees (Crymych)
16 Nik Elsmore (Coleford)/Paul Wakeley (Llanelli)
17 Neil McCance (Comber)/Sean Ferris (Drumquin)
32 Daniel Siguardarson (Iceland)/Isak Gudjonsson (Iceland)
33 Keith Cronin (Bantry)/Greg Shinnors (Limerick) (J)
34 Jonathan Greer (Carryduff)/Jonny Hart (Moneyrea) (J)
41 Simon Harraway (Weston-super-Mare)/Craig Drew (Bream)
43 Miles Johnston (York)/Ian Bevan (Holywell)
44 Jonathan Sparks (Glastonbury)/Chris Davies (Abergavenny)
70 Thomas Naughton (Bury)/Horace Saville (Bury)
71 David Meredith (Dolgellau)/Dai Roberts (Carmarthen)
(J) = Junior driver
Championship Positions after round one
Pos. Name Points
1 David Bogie 12
2 Daniel Barry 10
3 Seb Ling 8
4 Nik Elsmore 7
5 Richard Cathcart 6
6 Neil McCance 5
7 Keith Cronin 4
8 Miles Johnston 3
9 Jonathan Sparks 2
1 Kevin Rae 12
2 Mark Bowens 10
3 Aled Rees 8
4 Paul Wakely 7
5 Martin Brady 6
6 Graham Hopewell 5
7 Anthony OConnail 4
8 Ian Bevan 3
9 Chris Davies 2
ekki ętla žeir aš lįta ykkur ręsa nśmer 32 aftur
en ég óska ykkur góšs gengis og nś er ekkert ķ boši nema podium finish
kiddi sprautari (IP-tala skrįš) 28.3.2008 kl. 23:37
Heyršu - jś jś, žaš er vķst.
žaš er ekki eins og viš séum meš 14 besta tķmann yfir heildina aš mešaltali sķšustu 35 sérleišir sem viš höfum klįraš ķ UK eša hvaš žį meš 4,8 besta N4 tķmann aš mešaltali.. Mešaltal - lķka vondu leiširnar :) Og mest megnis į evo 7 aftarlega ķ rįsröš.
Mašur fer aš skilja hvernig pólverjagreyjunum lķšur hér į Ķslandi - amk žį er augljóst hverjum sem vill sjį aš Bretunum er ekkert of vel viš śtlendingana.
En jį - viš ętlum aš vinna. Mętum bara meš 38" dekk og skrśfum undir bķlinn og mokumst yfir grafningana og moldarböršin sem verša į veginum og ekkert vęl.
Takk Kiddi - okkur veitir ekki af góšu gengi.
Viš skulum - viš getum - viš ętlum
Akstursķžróttakappinn Danķel Siguršarson, 28.3.2008 kl. 23:43
Vonandi bara aš bķllinn komist žetta klakklaustog sömuleišis žiš :D
Maggi Ž (IP-tala skrįš) 29.3.2008 kl. 14:43
Hlakkar til ad oska ykkur til hamingju med godan arangur
ykkar timi er nuna!
Halldór Vilberg Ómarsson, 30.3.2008 kl. 12:22
ég hef einhvernvegin MJÖG GÓŠA tilfinningu fyrir žessu ralli...... og held aš žiš eigiš eftir aš brjóta blaš ķ sögu rallsins į ķslandi nśna.... žannig aš!!!!!! góša ferš og barįttu kvešjur.....
ps. žetta er ekki spurning um heppni hjį ykkur.....(žiš hafiš getuna)
frekar spurning um aš vera ekki óheppin.......
petur (IP-tala skrįš) 30.3.2008 kl. 19:42
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.